Prologue: Meeting the Signers/Dark Signers Part 2 (Akiza)

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[Akiza is dressed as the Black Rose and is walking by herself when she comes face to face with a Masked Man]

Black Rose: Out of my way.

Masked Man: That isn't very nice.

Black Rose: I don't have time for your games.

Masked Man: Your name is Akiza.

Black Rose: How do you know my name?

Masked Man: You're a psychic duelist. So am I. I can help you control your powers.

Black Rose: I don't need your help. I don't need anyone.

Masked Man: Spoken like someone who is lonely.

Black Rose: You are starting to get on my nerves! If you won't leave me alone, then I'll duel you and when I beat you, you'd wish you had left me alone.

[Black Rose and the Masked Man prepare to duel. Black Rose activates her abilities which causes a large surge of energy]

Masked Man: You are powerful indeed.

[The Masked Man activates his abilities which causes the ground to shake. Black Rose starts to get scared]

Masked Man: I have more power than you can possibly imagine.

Masked Man/Black Rose: Let's duel!

Black Rose: Since you challenged me, I'll let you go first!

Masked Man: Thank you. My turn. Since I control no monsters, I can summon Linkslayer!

Linslayer: Level 5- 2000 ATK/ 600 DEF

Masked Man: I summon Cyberse Synchron in ATK Mode!

Cyberse Synchron: Level 1- 100 ATK/ 100 DEF

Masked Man: Lastly, since I control a Cyberse Monster, I can summon Backup Secretary.

Backup Secretary: Level 3- 1200 ATK/ 800 DEF

Masked Man: Appear, the circuit that leads to the future! The summoning conditions are at least two Cyberse Monsters! I set Linkslayer, Cyberse Synchron, and Backup Secretary in the link arrows! Link the circuit! I Link summon! Appear, Link 3 Encode Talker!

Encode Talker: 2300 ATK/ Link-3

Black Rose: What type of monster is that?

Turn 2- Black Rose

Masked Man- 4000 LP/ Black Rose- 4000 LP

Black Rose: I am impressed. You were able to summon a monster like that with no problem at all. But it will take more than that to beat me. My turn. I draw! I summon Twilight Rose Knight!

Twilight Rose Knight: Level 3- 1000 ATK/ 1000 DEF

Black Rose: When he is summoned, I can special summon one Level 4 or lower Plant Type monster from my hand! I special summon: Lord Poison!

Lord Poison: Level 4- 1500 ATK/ 1000 DEF

Black Rose: Level 3 Twilight Rose Knight tunes Level 4 Lord Poison! Chilling flames engulf the entire world. Pitch-dark flower, set into bloom!


Black Rose: I Synchro Summon! Appear now, Black Rose Dragon!

Black Rose Dragon: Level 7- 2400 ATK/ 1800 DEF

Black Rose: Now her special ability activates. When she is summoned, I can destroy all cards on the field! Black Rose Gale!

Masked Man: Nice try. I banish Cyberse Synchron from my Graveyard and save my monster!

Black Rose: No! I guess I end my turn.

Turn 3- Masked Man

Masked Man- 4000 LP/ Black Rose- 4000 LP

Masked Man: My turn. Draw. You have nothing to protect you. I can finish you on this turn. I summon ROM Cloudia in ATK Mode!

ROM Cloudia: Level 4- 1800 ATK/ 0 DEF

Masked Man: When it's summoned, I can add one Cyberse Monster from my Graveyard back to my hand. I choose Backup Secretary! Thanks to her special ability, I can summon her back to the field!

[Black Rose looks down in disappointment]

Black Rose: Go ahead and finish me off. You'll be just like all of the other people who fear me.

Masked Man: That's not how I'm ending this.

[The Masked Man places his hand over his deck]

Masked Man: I surrender.

Masked Man- 4000 LP - - -> 0 LP

Winner: Black Rose

[The duel ends and Black Rose walks over to the Masked Man]

Black Rose: Why would you do that?

Masked Man: I wanted to show you that I don't fear you and you can trust me. I can help you.

[Black Rose removes her mask. Akiza has a look of worry on her face]

Masked Man: You can trust me. Trust no one else.

[The Masked Man reaches out his hand. Akiza slightly smiles and grabs his hand. The Masked Man helped Akiza for years. He popped up every now and then. One day, however, he vanished and left Akiza alone. Akiza joined the Arcadia Movement. She was told by the leader, Sayer, that the Masked Man had died. Akia cried for days but she was determined to make the Masked Man proud to honor his memory]

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