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Size: 6ft 10in

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Size: 6ft 10in

Weight: 400lbs

Diet: plants

Description: Fluffy equine body with large spikes down its back,2 small antennae,colorful frills around neck and tail,pastel colors,pointy nose

Habitat: grassland and Woodlands

Social life: Huffle-Pons live in huge herds that migrate together.

Abilities: mimic human voices,healing singing,speed,magic powder from their antennae

      Huffle-Pons are common herd animals that are very docile and rarely attack. They make great farm animals. Females produce a sweet and sticky substance from their frills that can be used like syrup. Because they live in such large herds they are often targeted by large predators like Kenders and Smulders.

(Oof I got writer's block halfway through this ;- I might add more later)

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