Dragon Serpent

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Size: 42ft

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Size: 42ft

Weight: 2,550

Diet: anykind of meat

Description: slim noodle like body with four short sticky legs. Pair of orange eyes on stalks,small grey spikes down it's back[large grey horns on male] large bushy orange tail

Habitat: caves and vast forests

Social life: Dragon Serpents spend time in packs of 3-6 sometimes more. They raise offspring in family groups but hunt separately. Once the offspring reaches a certain age they are kicked from the pack to join another one.

Abilities: agility,night vision,speed,poison glands in their tails,incredible flexibility

Dragon serpents are the largest serpents known,and the rarest. Their bright colors are a warning to other creatures/monsters that this serpent packs a dangerous neurotoxin in their bushy tail.When threatened the dragon serpent with use its tail as a shield.Glands in the tail excrete the toxin when under pressure so,if something attacks it's tail it will end with a handful of the dangerous toxin.

      Dragon serpents can twist their bodies into amazing positions that not many other creatures can. Sometimes Dragon Serpents can be found wrapped in trees.

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