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Size: (varies depending on how much they consume)

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Size: (varies depending on how much they consume)

Diet: anything

Habitat: anywhere,they adapt easily.

Description: round goopy,mound like body with no legs,colorful body that changes colors,4 arms with 3 claws on each hand,1 eye

Social life: Goopsters don't mind being around each other however they can be good agressive.

Abilities: color changing body that reflects their mood,glands that secrete digestive acid,oxygen absorption through skin

     Random facts: Goopsters have both kinds of sex organs. It is unknown how they breed.

     Goopsters are one of the oldest monsters. They have been around for millions of years. Scientists are baffled by their ability to adapt to any environment and eat anything. Goopsters have been found in highly radioactive areas,happily eating whatever they want. Depending on how much they eat,they can grow to huge sizes.

      Each Goopster has its own food preferences,like people. They tend to try and not gorge themselves on food because the larger they are they slower they are. This makes it difficult to get away from predators. Terrors,S.A.R.Es and Kenders love to eat Goopers.

      Although they look cute, keeping a Goopster as a bet is not advised unless you are experienced at keeping pet monsters. Be careful of trueness when they eat,the digestive acid they produce can melt anything.

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