Camouflage Recluse Spider

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Size: 1.8 feet
Diet: soft bodied insects and other spiders,bees/wasps
Description: 9 eyed spider with large fangs and spine rest,camouflage color,pointed spikes at tip of each foot
Habitat: forests and sometimes domestic areas
Social life: They hunt in small packs
Abilities: climbing skills,quick venom that paralyzes,good vision,very sticky webs.

These spider are very unusual among arachnids. They have 9 eyes instead of an even number of eyes. And they work in small packs to hunt bees and wasps. Camouflage Recluse spiders are also called tree wolf spiders because of their ferocity and habit of living in trees. Their camouflage helps them blend into the trees and sneak up in prey.

Camouflage Recluse spiders use their very sticky webbing to catch their prey in a net. They then bite their prey and wait for it to become paralyzed before feeding on it alive.

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