Viper Dragon

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Viper Dragon (normal/plant type)

Description: green and yellow scales,shades if green and yellow on wings, deadly venomous fangs, lightly built body, heat sensing pits

Diet style: carnivore

Habitat: anywhere with lots of plants

Abilities: can shoot deadly venomous from fangs, sense heat with pits, blend into plants with ease,hide in small spaces.

Leader: none Adults are mostly solitary, except when raising young. Young siblings live in packs.

Extra Facts: Viper dragons are not immune to their own venom,unless they are related to each other. Vine dragons are one of the smaller kinds of Dragons, but are very strong.

   Young Viper Dragons hunt in large packs. Although they are mostly carnivores,they sometimes nobble on plants. Viper dragons use their horns, and wings for display during mating season. Their eggs are laid in neat piles surrounded by other neat piles of other Viper Dragon eggs.

 Their eggs are laid in neat piles surrounded by other neat piles of other Viper Dragon eggs

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