01 | just my type

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01 | just my type

"God, can you shut up already?" I groaned while shoving my pillow on my face.

Tonight was the last night of summer and the day before my senior year. The music from the party taking place opposite my house was so loud that I could see the glass shaking in my abnormally large bedroom.

I groaned once more before standing up and switching my bedroom light on. As I walk over to the window, I saw people littered around my neighbour's front law either passed out of vomiting. The multicoloured lights streamed through the big windows of the mansion while the infamous red solo cups were distributed around the estate.

I knew exactly who threw this party and he knew exactly what kind of racket he made at that time of night. Zachary Martin. One of the last people I planned to take down this year, I always leave the best for last.

I switched on my phone to see that it was around one in the morning and the party was still going in full swing. I rolled my eyes knowing I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep tonight so instead I walked over to my desk and take a seat while pulling out a large gold folder.

History. I labelled the folder when I first started making it to easily disguise it between my other school equipment.

I opened the folder and began reviewing all the details I managed to scrounge up this summer. First there were the key people, the people who called themselves the 'Royals', they all had different things about them which I paid close attention to.

The Triplets:

Mike Tesler- Eldest of the three, Wide receiver of the football team, Makes a lot of sexual jokes although he is still a virgin, will probably do anything for you if you act even the slightest bit interested.
Missy Tesler- Middle child, All round party girl, Hits on a lot of guys, Lost her virginity in junior year but still hasn't told her brothers.
Matt Tesler- Youngest triplet, Quiet and reserved, Chess club champion, Has a secret relationship with on of the guys on the football team (Zayn Johnson).

Their fall point: Their father's business is on the edge of bankruptcy due to the amount of lawsuits because of fraud.

Serena Davidson - Captain of the athletics team, Never goes to events because of the amount of athletic competitions she has, Crushing on Mike Tesler

Her fall point: has been taking performance enhancers since the middle of junior year while cheating in her athletic competitions. Her crush.

Ryan Sailer - Honor roll student, speaks 5 different languages (spanish, french, german, latin, arabic), Even though he speaks so many languages he doesn't talk very often.

His fall point: He cheats on most of his tests by using invisible ink pens to write on his hand and the cover slip of his calculator.

India Weston - Fashion diva, Founder of the designers club, will reprimand you if you are wearing anything from last season.

Her fall point: *to be confirmed* slight chance of being kicked out from her home for unknown reason.

Brent Heath - Best friend to Zach Martin, Captain of the soccer team, Constantly in detention and would've been expelled if it hadn't been for his rich parents.

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