Chapter 15

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Going Back
Pt. 2

My heart is practically beating its way up my throat. The new female said that Sahala will be here, and Fesco hinted that she will be doing something with my health. Nope. Not on my watch.

I lay pressed against the back of the cage with blankets hiding every inch of my fur from the only entrance and sadly the only exit. My muscles shake from the odd position, but I stay none-the-less.

The familiar sound of Sahala's walk comes from the door to the room, only to stop momentarily before appearing far louder. She's in the room.

"It is nice to see you again Fesco. I assume you took my advice or else you wouldn't be here right now."

"Yes. I was planning ever since Peppa's sickness was cured on bringing her back for a rescan. That way your coworkers and yourself wouldn't be so focused on her nutrition."

Sahala hums, content with Fesco's answer. "You wish to have a complete analysis done. Blood tests, x-rays, a physical, and the standard shots given?"

Fesco responds with a simple, "yes."

I remain completely silent when the blankets I'm under brighten, showing that the material has been removed from the cage. A hand wraps around both the bundle of blankets and I. Like planned, I stay completely limp and try my best to morph into the blankets, but the effort doesn't do any good as Fesco manages to peel the blankets away, leaving just me in his hands.

Stiffening, my head snaps to Sahala's still form and I growl a warning at her to not come any closer. Fesco gently pets my head down my back, to calm me down. He still hasn't caught on that I understood every word he has said and that he's the reason I'm in this situation in the first place.

That in mind, I snap my teeth at his hand and to my relief he stops petting me. The room lapses into silence, growls coming from me every few seconds. The more time passes, the more on-edge I feel.

When I feel Fesco run his fingers down my back again I refrain from biting and instead look up at him, not without keeping an ear in Sahala's direction.

He has his usual calm expression on, the peace meets his eyes and covers up any other detectable emotion in them. Somehow his calm completion allows me to relax slightly and stop growling.

Fesco suddenly pulls out a berry much to my surprise and holds it in front of me. Probably to make me feel more secure in Sahala's presence, but the amount of trust between the two of us can fit in one of my small paws. Still, I can't say no to food and tenderly take it from his fingers before savouring it's overly sweet taste on my tastebuds.

While I'm finishing up the treat, my ears twitch from side to side, waiting for someone to say something.

"How high of a dosage did you give her?"

"Not high enough to make her fall asleep as I figure you'll need to test her reactions while conscious. The drugs should take effect in a couple minutes."

I stiffen in his lap when I hear the sentence come out his mouth in what feels like slow motion. They're trying to make me fall asleep?!

A deep growl hums in my chest and I quickly go to jump down from Fescos lap. A large, warm hand wraps around my torso and cuts off my view of the floor before I can reach the side edge of his leg. The added weight feels heavier the longer I stand until I'm unable to stay up with its weight, causing me to lay back down. My angry growl grows quieter and as soon as I'm unable to keep that up too, Fesco picks me up, mindful to support my limp head and passes me over to Sahala's waiting arms.

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