Chapter 21

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Bonding Time

Of all the places to wake up, I never would have suspected it to be cuddled into the nook of Fescos arm. My body must have tried to sap up the warmth coming off him in light waves throughout the night. After the nightmare and my coming to Fesco for help, I didn't have any further nightmares. It's been years since I last snuggled with someone, the last time being with my siblings after one of the check-ups.

An involuntary shiver rocks my body at the cold sensation of the needles breaking my skin, and the after scent of my blood and the blood of my siblings.

Forcing those memories away, I twist my head and look around at my currently upside down surroundings to serve as a distraction. Natural light glows through the curtains, messing with my night vision and bringing a small prick of pain between my eyes. When I shift to get more comfortable, the bruises on my sides make themselves known by protesting with a thrum of pain. The pain serves as an overbearing reminder of what I did yesterday. I managed to attack that beast and somehow won. My instincts puff up at the involuntary praise with swelling pride.

A change in his breathing pattern alerts me that Fesco is starting to wake up. Pulling myself out from his arm, I hold back a pained whimper and refuse the urge to shake my fur out. Sniffing my fur, I let a snort out when I realize my natural scent is covered by the scent of Fesco. Now that I'm paying attention this entire room has a strong scent of Fesco. Far stronger than the rest of the house. He must've spent most of his time in here before he took me in. I wonder why.

Limping to the edge of the bedding, the wooden ground seems further down than I'd like.

"No, Peppa," Fesco warns behind me. I turn my head and look back at him. He's sitting against the wall connected to the bedding with the large blankets covering his lap. His facial expression is stern and the warning tone in his voice isn't missed by my ears, which twitch with indecision. "Come."

The familiar command takes me by surprise. Will we be training today? He just woke up, so perhaps he's slow.


Not wanting to risk angering Fesco, I hesitantly step away from the edge and go closer to his waiting hand. When I get close enough, he softly scratches under my chin and rubs my cheek. I jolt back, unprepared for the affectionate act. He hushes me and goes to rub my cheek again. Something in my instincts shifts and the gesture feels more welcoming than before.

Confusion takes over and I move away, this time Fesco letting me. I lay down as he pushes the blankets off his legs and stands. After a quick stretch, he walks over to a uniquely decorated door before opening it, walking in, and shutting the door behind himself.

I wait for a moment before growing restless and moving back over to the edge of the bedding. With one last check of the door Fesco disappeared behind, I open my wings and jump down. The sudden stretch of my skin ignites pain in my bruises and this time I don't hold back the yelp as I barely manage to land on my paws. My attempts at landing correctly are useless though, as my numb leg gets in the way and I stumble onto my stomach, banging my chin on the ground.

With a huff, I struggle to get back up onto my paws, only to once again step on my useless paw and tumble over on my bruised side. A frustrated whine leaves my throat and I freeze when I hear Fesco open the door. His footsteps send soft thumps through the floor as he walks back into the room. They pick up when I'm guessing he spots me laying on my side in defeat on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2019 ⏰

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