My OC...

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Name: Cyclone
Nickname: "The Wind Phantom"

Name: Cyclone Nickname: "The Wind Phantom"

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A-kun: You May Have Heard Of Him. But I'm Gonna Put Him In This Story Instead.

Quirk: Wind & Oxygen Control

Age: 19


Wind Blade (Lite):

A-kun: For Assassination Missions

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A-kun: For Assassination Missions.

Twin Daggers:

Sleeve Knife (Left Hand):

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Sleeve Knife (Left Hand):

Sleeve Knife (Left Hand):

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Tear Gas:

A-kun: I think you know why I have Tear Gas as his Weapon/Throwables

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A-kun: I think you know why I have Tear Gas as his Weapon/Throwables.

Attitude: Smart, Wise ,Honest, Silent, Emotionless, Introverted, Narrow-Minded, and Cold.


This assassin started out as a normal kid who looked on the world that is only filled with righteousness. Oh how naive that thinking is... As he grew up, he had seen death after death of his family members. Only his mother is only alive. And if he lost her, he would go on a rampage like a villain. Which he avoids doing as much as possible. So, to protect what he has left, he trained in U. A. And he's a recent graduate. He was a lone person on that class, and most of his classmates there probably doesn't even remember him now. But he worked, and worked, and worked. And just like that, he became the youngest hero to crack #15 and above the hero ranking. He was 19 years old. Which was almost impossible since he just came out of nowhere saving people and stopping big crimes left and right. Every pro hero realized that this "guy" is the real deal. But there's something bothering him... Or... "Missing" in his life... He doesn't know what it is, or what it is. But hunch or going crazy, he knows it. But doesn't know it at the same time.

Strong Points: Can make wind solid, deflect bullets, make tornadoes, enhanced speed, fast reflexes, can make little "rasengans". BUT!

There's 4 abilities that he can do that is very, very, unfair.

1. Make someone become wind.
2. Make himself become wind.
3. Take out oxygen out of the air.
4. He has a "eye'.

Passive: Wind Aura

Description: With this aura, he make himself almost have no presence, and if in battle, the enemy get slowed down and he speeds up. And most of the time, the aura that he has makes everyone scared of him. So, if he doesn't wanna really fight, he'll just use this and make them run away.

2nd Passive: Wind Skin

It's one of the unfair abilities of Cyclone. He is literally, wind. Melee weapons goes right through him, bullets go through him. It's like the Logia type Devil Fruits from One Piece. The only way you could actually hit him, use a quirk on him, and make him caught off-guard. It's that unfair.

Weak Points: If he uses his quirk too much, he's going to have a big headache. But for the most part, it doesn't have much weakness. Or even one at all. But if he's inside of a enclosed or a small room, he would have problem using his quirk because he uses the wind inside of a room. He doesn't "create" wind, he "controls" it.

A-kun: Anyway. That's It For This "Intermission" Type Of Thing That I Always Do When I'm Starting A Book. So... Yeah. I'm Excited To Write This Because I'm Gonna Write A Whole New Style Of Writing/Story-Telling. This Book Is Like My... "Practice" Book. But Expect Good Literature From This. Just Because It's My "Practice" Book, It Doesn't Mean I Would Just Leave Spelling Errors, Leave Plotholes, And Just Overall Make It A Bad Experience For The Reader. I Don't Wanna Do That.

Expect The First Chapter To Be Out At... Maybe A Week From Now. It's Gonna Be A Long 1st Chapter Not Gonna Lie...

Word Count: 800 Words.

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