Chapter 10 Special: The Interview(s)

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Third Person's P. O. V


Cyclone, the Wind Phantom. A hero whose backstory is shrouded in secrecy. One of the most deadly heroes out there currently, and somehow also being one of the youngest Pro Heroes in the scene. And coupled with his rapid rise within the rankings and the spotlight suddenly shining on him, he's got a makings of a polarizing Pro Hero.

People seem to never agree on what Cyclone means to the majority of the Japanese Population. And his impact to society as a whole. A lot of people don't like his 'methods' of dispatching criminals, thinking that he may have done war crimes (allegedly). This is also the case for law enforcement who get more fatalities when No. 13 steps into the scene and fights instead of any other hero that would most likely detain said criminals.

They also don't like how his backstory is put under a veil of secrecy. For the reason being that it's all the more harder to hold him accountable if he ever makes a misdeed that would be frown upon by society.

But one opinion of him stands out, that most, if not all people agree that if he was on the 'other side' instead, he would have been public enemy #1. So the Japanese society is conflicted on what to frame Cyclone to the rest of the world. He's not a marketable hero that can be made to a figurine or be making merchandise off of him, and despite of his way of doing things, he has been one of the most prolific hero assassins that the country of Japan has ever seen. And crime rates are still dropping even with All Might's appearances being more few and far between.

So knowing all of that information now, and how the general public looks at Cyclone and how they see him when they put him under the microscope, The heroes that he works with occasionally, they might also have some conflicting opinions of the Wind Phantom.

With that in mind, a news company in Japan has now green-lit a piece on trying to figure out what do the other Pro Heroes think of Cyclone. And one lucky news crew has been given the task, with an added bonus to interview Pro Heroes and meet them directly.

It took a little while to get enough Pro Heroes to participate in this piece that it almost killed the piece but some heroes clutched up and were able to join in time.

But after this interview the editing team will only have 48 hours to piece it all together and do some voice-over and a lot of edits. But who cares, amirite?


Mt Lady's P. O. V


I'm getting interviewed?!! Has the public finally recognized my greatness as a hero?! My god I better nail this interview square in the head, I prepared everything that I could to make myself look good as possible. My makeup, my hair, and especially my costume. I never felt so prepared like this my whole life!

But I'm in a room with a two chairs and a small coffee table. This doesn't look as extravagant as I wanted it to be... Nonetheless, I'll make the best with that I have.

Why are my hands shaking?!?! If All Might can handle getting interviewed so many times, I can sure do it as well!

And I finally saw the news anchor that popped out of the curtain to my left and sat on the table across from me. This is it!!!

The interview starts and I try to introduce myself in the most flashiest way I can do it. With showing a little bit of my butt in front of the camera. The news crew sure didn't mind so I guess I can get away with it.

"Today, Mt. Lady we are here to talk about the most polarizing hero at this moment!" The anchor said with a smile. It *has* to be me!

"Yeah! Who could it be?"

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