Chapter 2

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Abhipal's POV

I hissed as the human continued to struggle in my grasp. I flicked my tail so that the human's head hit against the wall, not enough to kill him but enough to knock him out. One of the drones saw, "What did you think you're doing? We need all of the humans we can get!" she said raising her tail hostility. I looked at her unfazed, a little annoyed that someone of her status would challenge me. "My job," I growled. I could see the shock plain on her face. Word must be traveling slower then I thought. 

Then again I had only been here for three days. Perhaps the females don't converse with each other often. She let me pass without any more challenges. As I walked down the passage to the hatching chambers, one of my claws slipped into a slime hole. I pulled it out quickly, disgusted. How do they stand all of the drool, I thought. 

Personly I never really like all of the drool, sure it made all of the females seem scarier I guess but other than that, it just seemed to get in the way. Being careful of the eggs, I placed the human up to the wall. It efficiently closed around and the human start to wake. It struggled but the prison had already done its work. I smiled wickedly at the terrified human. The human started to screech at the top of his lungs and I wanted to rip his throat out. Looking over I saw one of the eggs had started to hatch. 

I took a step back, I knew that a facehugger doesn't go for its own species but I wasn't taking any chances. I watched as the facehugger emerged from its egg and attached itself to the squealing human. The human went silenced and I took a deep breath listening to the sweet sound of nothing. Nothing lasts forever though, "Hey bro! Where you've been?" my brother, Conroy, asked from the entrance. 

As surprising as it is Conroy and I are siblings, twins you might say. One of the queen's eggs was taken, shortly after she laid it, by humans and they experimented on it. We can on assume that they were trying to figure out how to exterminate us. A lot of good that did them because instead of finding that, they created twin male xenomorphs. We had two separate facehuggers so we didn't stay in the same host, what a blood bath that would have been if we were both stuck together.

They continued to do experiments on us after we grew, to find nothing that would help their cause. Due to the long exposure to humans, me and Conroy because very familiar with how they worked, how they act, and how they reacted to fear. This was one of the many reasons that the queen thought that we were the best choice for the job of kidnapping humans. 

This wasn't the only reason, we were also very different from the normal females. For one, we don't drool as much as they do and we are not slimy, therefore we leave no evidence of ever being, as the humans say, at the scene of the crime. Except for the occasional blood that was spilt when the human was being difficult. "Helloooooooo," said Conroy waving his claws in front of my face. 

I hissed at him, not in the mood for his shenanigans. "Alright alright," he said putting his claws up in mock defense. I turned away from him, I could hear Conroy's footsteps following me, "So how many humans did you catch today?" The playfulness in his voice had disappeared probably getting the hint that I wasn't having a good day. "Two," I stated plainly. Both humans had put up a fight, I mean why? They know that they can't win, so why?

Conroy nods his head, "Ruff night then, I caught five, so hopefully, the queen won't be too mad." Screw the queen, I thought and I knew that Conroy thought the same. Another thing the humans' experiments did to us was that we can't be controlled by the queen. We follow her anyway because it gives us a propose. 

The tunnel had now changed from the normal xenomorph style to more human-ish. The colony never has any clean water in it. So Conroy and I go to a place in the human part of the building where there is clean water. Conroy dashes ahead of me all of a sudden. I follow his mad dash into the water room, he was dancing around in a puddle of dirty water. I snorted and shook my head. Conroy looked up at me and smirked, "You know you love me," I rolled my eyes even though he can't see it. "Debatable," I replied. I sat down at the edge of the pool of water that leaked out of the pipe above. 

The clear water quickly was stained red by the blood. After washing all of the sticky liquid off, we started back to the hive. 

The tunnel opened up into a large circular room that stretched up to the ceil far above. The humans called it Hanger 7, whatever that meant. Holes had formed into the walls creating dens that we slept in. Ledges stuck out of the walls making for easy trips up and down. Me and Conroy's dens were close to the top. As we climbed I could see that most of the hive was already asleep except for the day warriors. They slept at night and guarded the hive by day. 

Finally, reaching the top, we settled down into our spots. Conroy's spot was in the corner in the far right. Mine was in the left near a small hole in the wall that leads to the outside. The hole wasn't very big, maybe I could stick my finger in it but nothing bigger. I sat down and looked out the hole, the sun was just beginning to rise. The molten orange color painted the building tops as its light bathed the planet with the day. The city in the distance had only 3 miles of forest separating them from a full-on attack from us. The humans should thank the stars for that small detail "Try and get some sleep, I don't want to have to deal with a grumpy Abhipl again," Conroy said before falling asleep. 

I sighed, right sleep. That was a good idea. I laid my head on my arms as I curled into my bedding of fabric. It was made of a material human called carpet, the color deep red. The smell of dried blood filled my nose before I shifted to the other side. I must have forgotten to wash the blood off last night, I thought. The melltelic scent caused my brain to replay my kills. This doesn't bother me very much, it was a worthless human after all. I lifted my clawed hand up to the small beam of light. The pitch-black scales looked like black ink covering the sun, suffocating it.  

I yawned, I got back into my sleeping position before the sunlight distracted me.  Sleep was quick to claim it prey as dreams of rooftop running filled my head. 

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