Chapter 7

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Clare's POV

          Two days had passed since that night. The Xenomorph, Abhipal, had come both nights and had asked more questions. Where are your origins? Why did you come here? Do you have any other connections to SEAR? I answered his general questions but the more personal things I left out. He seemed to get ticked off very easily, though he doesn't act on it immediately. Another fact I found out, is the reason why he keeps pinning me is because he feels a sense of dominance when he does. 

          Talk about a creeper, but he never once touched me when he did. A talent I had was the ability to tell who people were, in a sense, and my theory about him turned out to be correct.  He was indeed very controlling but he seemed to be almost hesitant in his actions. I brushed it off as him thinking of me as his "experiment". 

          I asked a few questions of my own. My confidence grows every time I spoke with him. I found out that a xenomorph is an insect-like species that are mostly females. "Makes sense," I commented. His tail flicked, "How so?" I took a quick sip of my coffee before answering, "Well, females offtine hold the highest pedestals in nature. Taking the alpha position in many different animal societies, like your's." 

          Abhipal thought over this information. "That is true, I suppose. But I hold a very high position as the assassin of the Xenomorphs," he contradicted. I choked a bit on that part. He never told me he was an assassin. I voiced my distress to him, "Assassin?" His lips curled into what looked like a sneer. "What are you scared, Clare," he teased menacingly. "No," I said with a bit of sass to get my point across. 

         Abhipal chuckled, surprising me yet again that he could do something so human-like. He'd never done that before and it unsettled me. He got up walking into my kitchen, he looked very out of place with the white walls and his black scales. I quickly stood up, "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" 

          "Looking for answers," he swung his head around, looking down at me. "Is that a problem?" he said more like a challenge than a question. "Extermlying," I growled under my breath. He ignored me if he heard it and I followed him into the kitchen. After my first encounter, well second, I had hidden all the knives, or anything similar, away and had gotten myself a pocketknife. I still didn't trust that guy one bit, even if I knew a lot about him. There was always more to a person than what meets the eye. 

          He opened and closed all the cabinets and drawers. Expectedly, he found nothing and moved on to a more thorough search of the living room. "I've already told you everything I know, so why are you looking through all of my-," I was cut off by Abhipal throwing one of the couch cushions at me. 

          I barely missed the first but the second hit me smack in the face. Dust from the underside of the cushion flow into the air and I breathed it in. Naturally, I sneezed but my sneezes are not actually normal. They're loud and came at rapid-fire.  By the time I had recovered from my fit, I saw that Abhipal had stopped with his search and was looking at me like I had grown another head. "What?" I groaned slightly. Why does sneezing hurt your head, it makes no sense.  

           Abhipal shook his head and walked by me into my room. "You humans are disgusting," he stated but without any sort of disgust making me confused (could you get more confusing, Abhipal). I tossed the cushion on to the couch, telling myself to fix it later. When I walked through the doorway I thought I would see all of my stuff scattered around the room but instead the xenomorph was crawling out the window. 

           I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that 12:15 am. Abhipal never stayed longer then 2:00 I had realized over the past nights. Not that I wanted him to stay, the exact opposite, but I was curious as to why he was leaving early. I know fair well what he did when he left but I tried not to think about it. "Where are you going?" I asked making him stop. Why way he looked right now I had to stop myself from laughing. He looked like a child that had just been caught stealing cookies from the jar. 

           "I'm leaving to do my job," he said shifted so he was looking at me. He continued his explanation, "Do to me coming here every night the income of humans has dropped. So if this is to continue then I have to bring in more." I crossed my arms and spoke casually, "Then don't come back and focus more on your 'job'." A low growl sounded from Abhipal as he turned around to fully face me. 


            The one word sent shivers down my spine. It barely sounded human, more animalistic and possessive. That one word made it very clear that he wasn't planning on leaving me alone for a long time. He swiftly turned around and jump out the window with ease. I run to the window and looked out, trying to see where he landed. He was gone, somehow disappeared and there was nothing he could've grabbed on to. There were no fire escapes, just walls. 

            I waited a little while to see if he was really gone. Suddenly Abhipal's head appeared in front of me, "You done?" "Aaahh," I screamed falling back on the bed.  He hung upside-down outside the window looking at me amused. "Why were you looking for me? Don't tell me you've started to care about me." I sat back up trying to recollect my dignity, "Not anymore you butt hole." Abhipal went silent and his face lost its cheerfulness. 

"Are yo-," I began but he jumped downer, running away, ignoring me.

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