Chapter 4

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Abhipal's POV

          I went back. Something had happened that had never happened in my lifetime. A human had spoken in my presence. Not screaming for help, not pleading for mercy, but spoke. One word, one word was enough to bring me back to were I has saved and spared her life. I leaped down off the building onto the semi-clean cement. The humans must have cleaned up the blood. The female's scent was still potent however, I didn't memoried the scent because I planned on taking the female back to the hive upon finding her. She had seen too much and she can not be allowed to destroy our plan. 

          I followed the scent to a building of stacked homes. It reminds me of the hive in a way. I climbed a metal stairway on the outside on the building, trying to get the female's scent again. Sure enough, I caught the female's scent again, strong this time. I couldn't deny that the girl's scent was entrancing. It smelled of peppermint and something else I could not identify, perhaps I would find out on the way back to the hive.  Opening the window was easy, it was a simple flip-lock and one drop of my acid blood was all it took to melt through the metal. 

          The room was what was called a bedroom. It was different from other females rooms I've been in. There were no pictures of half dress males or females. There was no smell of chemicals or mating that usually wafted the area. Only the overwhelming intoxicating scent of the female filled my senses, being the strongest it could be (other than from the human herself).  

          I pressed my nose into the fabric of the bed. The other smell that I could not identify was almost like the morning mist. That, mixed with the strong smell of peppermint was almost enough to make me feel a little disappointed that the female was going to die. I tore myself away from the bed and focus back on my mission. I listened through the door for any sign of the female being here. I waited and soon I heard the breathing of a female. I turned the doorknob with some difficulty and walked slowly into the room.  

          There was a living area and a kitchen, the kitchen was where the breathing and mumbled talking was coming from. I walked closer, the thrill of the hunt coursing through me. Once the female came into sight I instantly knew it was the female from the night before. The female had her back turned to me and was unaware of my presence. I stalked forward towards the female but the sound of a floor broad creaking alerted her. I mental cursed myself and decide that I had to make the kill here and now, no more waiting. 

          I didn't bother with stealth and I growled at the female. She turned around, her brown hair was flung around and she once more surprised me as she held a knife. Her bravery was something I had not seen before in a human. So I gave her a chance to run by waiting a painful five seconds. She stood her ground but she seemed to grow more stressed with every passing second. After five, I raised myself up on my back legs trying and get a reaction out of her. Instead, I just end up hitting my head on the low ceiling. 

           I heard a snort and looked at the female, who was making a weird and annoying sound. I became mad and raised myself up again forgetting about the ceiling, hitting it again. I hissed at the ceiling, even if it wasn't a living being, it felt nice to hiss at something. The female made the weird sound again, this time more clearly. Annoying human, I thought. "I am not!" she said without them realizing it, judging by their panicked expression. What is going on with this female? First, it speaks to me in that damn alleyway and now this, I thought. The female hesitantly spoke again, "I have no idea." 

           I dropped down onto all fours and dangerously walked towards the female. She raised the knife protectively, trying to be threating but I was less than impressed. I backed her up into a corner and placed my claws on either side of her. She began to tremble sacred, as she should be and I lend forward. You can hear my thoughts?, I asked. The female opened her mouth but nothing came out. I yelled angrily, Answer me human? Don't make me REGRET sparing you for as long as I have. The human straightened and answered with little waver, "Y-Yes I can hear your thoughts, creature." Tapped my claws on the surface, Why? Are you a SEAR spy, placed in the city to watch us? 

          "No, I'm not a SEAR spy and I don't know the first thing about why I can talk to you," she said getting overconfident. I growled attempting to put her back in her place. Don't get cocky with me human. The only reason I'm going to keep you alive is that you are the only human I have encountered that can here my thoughts, I explained. "Keep me alive?" She repeated. I cursed myself again being around this girl will be dangerous. I should just take her to the hive and have the facehuggers do away with her. 

          On the other claw, she is the only human that can speak to me and there had to be a reason. I growled torn between my curiosity and my duty as a xenomorph. The two fought a war in my head and I finally made a decision. I swung my tail around and pointed its spear-like end to the female's throat. Do not take this lightly human, I merely want answers and you have them. The MINUTE I have what I need, you will be as good as dead, I threatened. And if you speak of this to anyone, I opened my mouth showing my second mouth for emphasis, I will know

          I took a moment to watch the beautiful fear in her eyes and I quickly dashed back through the small connecting rooms and out the window. Anger at the female and myself fueled my rampage. I needed to do something, I needed to do anything to ease anger. I stopped at the edge of a building and saw a human male walking just below me. Perfect

The screams and feel of blood were all I needed. 

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