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Edited: Feb. 7, 2020

Two Days Earlier

          "Coming in TY-479 SEAR, this is space mission 36 requesting an emergency landing immediately!" A panicked voice said through the transmitter. The person who intercepted the message turned to a male figure standing in the center of the room. The male nodded his head and set their plan into motion. A large computer screen above all of the workers showed the inside of a landing pad. No human insight. 

           The person that got the message replied to the panicked voice, "You are clear to land in hanger 7."  Another message came through, "Have a medical team ready" the voice replied sounding slightly relieved. The room went silent, awaiting orders. All eyes were on the man. Hands folded behind his back he stared at the screen, "engage lockdown," he said calmly. 

     People went to work, typing and pressing different buttons. The large windows the room had, metal sheets slammed down. Down the halls and around the room, more metal sheets fell. Vents were sealed too. The ceiling inside the barrier was all concrete. In the kitchen, the food stores were overflowing. The armory was stocked with enough firepower for an army. But one hallway was left open, the one that led from hanger 7 to the science center. Scientists stood ready for the package. The ceiling doors to hanger 7 opened and a spacecraft quickly filled the area inside. Speakers blared the sound of the powerful ship engines. 

     As soon as it landed a man ran out followed closely by two people on stretchers, each carried by one or two crew members. They looked around confused by the lack of people waiting for them. The man in the middle of the monitor room said, "Patch me through." A person to his right pressed a button.  The speakers in the hanger squeaked followed by the man's voice, "Jason and Harry, please take the package through the doors to your right to the science center."

         The first man who came out spoke with confusion and anger, "What are you talking about, they need help now! The package can wait." He motioned to the two people on stretchers. Attached to their faces there seemed to be some kind of creature. They were a pale cream color with long tails wrapped around their necks and long, thin legs curled around their heads. 

          "Jason, the medical team is on their way," the black-haired man lied into the speaker, "Take the package through the doors and the rest of your crew will be taken care of." Jason looked back at his crew before going back into the ship. He came back out with a large metal container, helped by 'Harry'. As they started walking to the doors, another person behind a different desk alerted the scientists. 

          The lead scientist addressed the rest of the workers, "All right be ready with the serum. We don't know how much time we have before the organism hatches to take a host. You," he said pointing to a female scientist, "Get the holding pod ready." 

          "Of course," she nodded before walking through a set of doors. The others went straight to work. Some got the serum ready, while the rest got a clean space ready for the injection of the serum. Not soon after, Jason and Harry came into the room carrying the metal container. The metal door slammed shut behind them. "Hurry, give the organism to professor Haris quickly!" the lead scientist urged. The two men did as they were told, taking an egg out of the container. 

     They shared a worried look. Harry carefully handed professor Haris the egg. "Please go through the doors to your right gentlemen," said the lead scientist in a much calmer voice.  Both Jason and Harry looked skeptical but didn't disobey the order, going through the same doors as the female scientist. 

     Wasting no time, the lead scientist briskly walked through a different set of doors and down a short hallway. Upon entering a small viewing room with a large window looking into another room. He asked, "Is it ready?!" "Y-yes sir, we are r-ready for the injection," a scientist replied nervously. They all looked through the glass as someone with protective gear went into the white padded room. "We are go for injection," came a voice from a speaker. The man in the white room took out a large syringe and stuck it into the egg's fleshy surface. The window screen enhanced the image of the egg. 

     Nothing happened.

     "Why is nothing happing?" the lead scientist said irritated. "I don't know sir. The organism should have reacted inst-" the scientist was cut off by movement inside the egg. They all watched intensely as the facehugger within started to move rapidly. The man in the same room backed out and the door closing behind him. A window showed a different video of what was happening inside the egg. The scientists stared in astonishment as the facehugger split into two. The two halves beginning to regenerate creating two facehugger, like human twins. 

     "Incredible," someone said. Suddenly the egg opened up causing most people to flinch in surprise. The lead scientist, however, remained unfazed. "Change of plans, bring in both hosts," he spoke into a walkie talkie. A different door opened into the white room and Harry and Jason were shoved in.  The second they saw the open egg they went into a frenzy of panic. 

          Their panicked states did nothing to help their situation. One of the facehugger leaped at Harry, who was busy banging on the door. The Facehugger easily overpowered the panic-induced man. Jason's panic lessened thinking there was only one facehugger. He was quickly proven wrong as the second facehugger attacked his newly made host.  

     In the viewing room, conflicting feelings filled the scientists. Some felt happy for completing the task but others felt a sense of guilt, like they had just done something terrible. As a group of both scientists and soldiers took the men and facehuggers away sirens began in blare. Confused, people stopped whatever they were doing and listened to the voice coming over the intercom. "A Xenomorph are loose I repeat Xenomorphs are loose-" A loud shrieking sounded over the sirens and the intercom. 

     Bang, Bang

     The door into the crowded viewing room began to crumble as something threw its weight against it. People began to move to the other door. They tried to open the door but the panicking people made that almost impossible. Bang, the door burst down and a large Xenomorph crashed into the room. The walls were quickly painted red as the Xenomorph slashed the scientists. 

          Pushing others aside one random scientist squeezed out the door and into the hallway. He hit his head on the floor, his vision blurred. Forcing himself to stand he clumsily ran down the hallway, ignoring all of the dead broken bodies that were scattered about. 

     Finally finding the door he was looking for, he began frantically bang on it, begging for the people inside to let him in. People remained seated at their respected monitors. They looked at the man silently awaiting orders. He extended one finger from his fold hands and the door opened letting the distressed scientist in. "Thank you thank you, oh thank you," the scientist said gratefully. The man didn't respond instead he asked, "Are they all dead?" 

          "All Xenomorphs in the restricted area have been terminated sir," someone from the crowd of people answered.  "The hosts are in containment, correct?" The man asked again. A different person replied, "Yes sir." The scientist quickly stood up, "You can't be thinking about still going through with it, can you?!" Yes," the man turns to look at the scientist, "And you will oversee all the experiments." he said matter of fact. The scientist stared at the man in horror and surprise. 

     The scientist, however, said nothing to disagree as a thought passed through his mind, what would he do to him if he refused? The image of the bloody room and xenomorph filled his mind. He knew that the man in front of him would not hesitate to help him join his comrades. "Yes, sir," he said. The man turned back to the people in the room, "Move on to phase two."

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