Chapter 5

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Sorry for the long wait, the holidays were crazy. Anyhow, enjoy the chapter.

Clare's POV

          I put down the knife and tried to catch my breath. The creature had come back and into my home. It knew where I lived. My heart slowly calmed down and I was able to somewhat think straight. Alright, what do I know, I thought.  

Breath in, breath out

          The creature, that now knows where I live, was keeping me alive to basically study because it's never met a human that can talk to it. The creature was also male judging by his voice but he's also an alien so I wasn't so sure.  He was connected to SEAR just as I had thought but why did he think I was a spy? Or was he using the word spy instead of researcher? Was SEAR just playing one big game on this planet, with these aliens and people? 

Breath in, breath out

          I sank to the floor. If he is studying me as I thought, then he'd be back. I couldn't fight him because he obviously had more strength than me. I couldn't run away because he found my apartment so easily. I remembered when I had started to feel more "comfortable" in the situation and I had talked back to him. He didn't seem to like that so he probably was a controlling type or liked to have everything in his favor. That would make sense for how he acted. 

Breath in, breath out.

           He was probably curious but at the same time furious towards me. I tried to line up more facts but everything was jumbled from the minutes before. Only the big things were what I could remember. I could feel a headache coming on so I stood up and took an ibuprofen. 

          I had no idea what I was going to do. Stacy almost always took the night shift so she wasn't in any immediate danger. I wasn't going to tell her, she would only worry and probably try to call the police or something. Then SEAR would find out and-, I didn't even want to go there. I walked unsteadily to the window in the living room. I didn't see any signs that he was still here. All there was to do now is wait for him to come back. I shivered at the thought of our next encounter. 


          The day when without any problems. Once I had gotten back into the rhythm of work. All of my secrets and alien problems faded into the background. I was a little jumpy and sloppy with my work. Which is why I was staying overtime to clean up the counters. I rang out the rag and went back to wiping down the counters. "Hey, I couldn't help but notice that you were kind of off today," Athena said. 

          I forced on a fake smile and said, "Yay, just sleep deprived I guess." Athena wasn't buying it. "You've been sleep deprived before and your never this messy," she stated. I looked away to hide my expression. She continued, "Clare, I know we've only known each other for a few months since you started working here but I know you well enough to know when you're lying."

          I wanted to tell her, I really did. She was my role model after all, but I couldn't. She would react the same way Stacy would and everything would go wrong. "I can't tell you what's going but I can tell you that I have it under control," I lied. I looked up at her trying to make the most convincing face I could. Athena looked me in the eye, "Tsk if you don't want to tell me that's fine but don't come running to me when your 'under control' situation isn't under control anymore," she said and she walked out the door. 

          I couldn't say I blamed her, I hated it when people lied to me too. I quickly finished up, throwing the rag in the sink. I used the cafe's key to lock up and I reluctantly walked home. Was the creature going to be there? The sun had only set about 15 minutes ago, so I hoped not. I wanted to get home as soon as possible to prepare myself but my body seemed to make me walk slower. 

          Eventually, I made it back and I immediately knew that Stacy had left. The apartment was silent beside its usual creaks. I closed the door stealthily but flinched when I heard it click. I quietly walked through the hallway passed the kitchen and into the living room. I tested every broad before stepping on it. Both rooms were empty and I became a little more hopeful that he wasn't here yet. 

          I opened my bedroom door slowly and caught myself before I could yell. The window above my bed was open and the creature from last night was on my bed. He didn't seem it know I was there, instead, he had his "nose" shoved in my bedsheets. My stomach knotted in disgusted, as I watched the creature continue to sniff my bed, tail twitching every so offtine. I took one step back but forgot to check the broad first. 


          He whipped his head in my direction and I stared back at it. My flight or fight resonance wasn't kicking in and I was frozen. He growled and got off the bed. I remained in the same place as he continued to stalk towards me. Even on all fours, he was still taller than me by afoot. "I have questions," he said plainly and walked past me into the living room. The doorway was small but he seemed to get through without touching me. I followed a little irritated by his behavior. Regardless of him being an alien, nobody just demands something from me like that. 

          He settled itself on the rug in front of the couch and I decided that it would be best for me to play along for now. He watched the whole time as walked over and sat down. As soon as my butt touched the couch he asked me a question I wasn't prepared for what he asked. 

"Who are your parents?"

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