" Are you ignoring me?" Part 2

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As the day fell into night and the moon rose high above the house the soft sound of the record player could still be heard. To everyone in the house it wasn't a distraction, they had grown used to the small hum of the notes starting through the night many years ago. The only possession that the girl had brought with her was that record player. Every  time a gift was given to her it was a record, with each she treasured equally. To Victor on the other hand, it was a constant reminder that he was the only one who didn't know what has upset the girl, the girl he wanted to protect and hold close. The girl who wasn't letting him do those things anymore. His blanket being tossed over his body as he stood quickly, deciding that right now would be as good as ever. Opening the door quickly and rushing down the hall only to stop suddenly at the familiar yet so unfamiliar door. The brass handle that he had turned many times before almost seeming as if made to boil, touching it seemed so terrifying. His heart rate picked up as he slowly turned the handle, pushing the door open must softer then he had his own door. He peeked inside, prepared to open his mouth to confront the girl. Only to be met by the sight of her fast asleep in her bed. The light grey sheets draped over her as she lays on her stomach, hair cascading down her back aswell as over she shoulders. The soft music being louder as he stood in the doorway of the room. His eye leaving her body for a split second to notice the slight messy room, books of her art spread over the floor, a book he had bought her on one of their midnight trips to town laying open but face down on the floor. The brown wood of the floor felt odd under his feet as his room had carpet and he had not stood in this room for weeks. He slowly pulled the door shut to lean against the wall beside it, letting out a breathe he didn't know he was holding. The thought in his mind being " I miss her" as she lay asleep in her room, mer metres from him but to both of them they were so far away.

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