Walls Could Talk (Part 3) [M]

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(A/N: Final Part :( )

End of the term came and the summer holidays did too. Chaeyoung was going to be teaching the year 10's and 11's English next year and although she'd miss the liberty of teaching prep school years she was excited at the new experience to come plus her and Jennie's breaks were now aligned as she was teaching the Sixth Form Physics set; what Jennie called her 'teaching dream come to life'.

Chaeyoung was coming back from lunch with Jennie and Irene (her friend from University) when she encountered Lisa fumbling for her keys, Ella running around her feet and Lisa holding several heavy shopping bags. Chaeyoung pushed her sunglasses up to rest on her forehead as she approached the girl, they hadn't spoken for the past week or two due to the previous incident, feeling a little awkward.

"Hey." Chaeyoung smiled, outstretching her arm in a gesture to hold her bags. The younger girl looked up at her and smiled warmly, a rare thing for her to do recently.

"Thanks." She sighed, Chaeyoung taking the bags, and managed to get the door unlocked. "Ella!" She called to the young girl - who had run down the corridor, pigtails swinging - before turning back to Chaeyoung.

"I'll help you unpack if you like?" Chaeyoung offered, heaving the bags in. Lisa smiled and nodded gratefully. "I know we haven't talked in a while... and I just wanted to say I'm sorry about how I overreacted, you have a personal life and it's no concern of mine." 

Lisa opened her mouth but Chaeyoung stopped her by placing a hand on her forearm, ignoring the way Lisa tensed before relaxing under her touch and how it made her stomach flip. "I'm sorry I've been avoiding you."

"Avoiding me?" Lisa smirked, placing the carrots she bought in the fridge. "Considering when I waved at you a few days ago you literally squeaked and ran into the elevator - that was going up and you were meant to be going down - away from me, avoiding is an understatement." Lisa chuckled and Chaeyoung felt her cheeks heating up. 

"But, in all seriousness, Chae, I'm really sorry about that night. I don't even know what I was doing, what I was thinking. I met the guy on my way home and I was just so pissed off - and pissed in general - and next thing I knew... maybe it's because-"

"Chaeyoung!" Ella's bright voice interrupted whatever Lisa was about to confess, the young girl wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung's legs.

"Hey, sweetie!" She smiled, kneeling down to hug her.

"Hey, Pokpak, why don't you go wash your hands so you can help me make lunch?" Lisa asked as the young girl skipped off.

"I'm going to go back-" Chaeyoung started but Lisa's voice overlapped hers.

"Maybe we can go back to doing Thursday and Saturday nights?" She asked, voice hopeful. Chaeyoung brightened visibly and nodded.

"I'd love that." She replied, offering a bashful smile as she swayed on the balls of her feet.

"See you then."

Thursday night could not come faster for Chaeyoung and when it did it flowed so fluidly and naturally, as if there was no lost time. The two talked it through briefly, all forgiven, before returning to their routine on those nights.

But when Saturday morning came Chaeyoung, reluctantly, texted Lisa to cancel. Lisa didn't question it and said it was fine. Jennie had begged Chaeyoung to go clubbing with her, Wendy and Irene as the two could finally drink freely without worries of showing up hungover to impressionable primary school students. 

So Chaeyoung agreed, admittedly excited to go out with her friends, and was finishing doing her hair when Jennie said they were 15 minutes away. Chaeyoung quickly finished with her hair before looking over her attire and nodding quickly at her appearance in approval. She got another notification as she slipped on her heels and grabbed her clutch, walking out the door. 

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