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There is no conceivable way 4 girls can live under the same roof and not lose track of whose clothes belong to who, especially considering the fact that they all had a similar style as well as almost the same size. When they first moved into the dorm, they'd tried scribbling their initials on clothing tags and pointing out different types of rips that could be used as distinguishing markers for similar shorts or sweaters, but by the end of their first month as housemates, they gave up all hope.

Now, any generic articles of clothing like blank T-shirts or their own merch belonged to everyone and were free for the taking from the laundry pile.

But not all the clothing in their occasional joint laundry load was for everyone to take.

Groaning with frustration, Lisa digs furiously through the enormous pile in the laundry closet, struggling to find 15-year-old T-shirt from her hometown that she still wore to dance rehearsals. It wasn't the coolest shirt, its logo faded like it'd been sanded down and the sleeves and collar ripping a bit from age, but the material was soft from countless wash cycles and she always felt comfortable and nostalgic when wearing it.

Except now it's gone because it'd ended up in the shared pile and Lisa just wants it back.

She reaches the bottom of the pile and starts sorting through each article of clothing again, eyes raking over every shirt that has the same, dark blue color. It'd be too desperate to message the girls or bring it up at practice, and she just knows they would never let her live it down if she threw a temper tantrum over an old and ratty T-shirt.

"Lisa! We're gonna be late to practice!"

Chaeyoung's voice floats through the dorm and Lisa scrunches up her nose at the thought of abandoning her search for timeliness. After spending so much time sifting through this mountain of crap, she doesn't want to give up and take a plain shirt in defeat.

She was the one driving with Chaeyoung to practice since their unnies took the first car and she didn't want to set a bad example by holding them up for a stupid shirt.

With a resigned huff, she grabs a Nike crop top and pulls it on, kicking the closet door as she does.

Chaeyoung's waiting at the elevator, texting someone — probably their driver — and leaning casually on the wall across from the dorm in the hallway. As usual, she's dressed like a professional athleisure model, with perfectly-fitted sweatpants, white running shoes, and a tied-up T-shirt exposing the Infamous Abs that especially the two older members had expressed jealousy over.

It's definitely an eye-catching sight but Lisa's far too embarrassed to stare and thereby exposing the years old crush she has on her best friend, so she barely spares a glance as she rushes over to the shoe closet for her sneakers...

...but does a hard double-take before she even opens the door.

"Wait. Is that my shirt?"

Chaeyoung frowns a little and looks down at what she's wearing. "Oh. Um, maybe? I took it from the laundry pile upstairs, so I don't actually know whose this is."

It's definitely Lisa's old shirt from Thailand that she just spent the better part of the past 20 minutes looking for. But it's being worn in such an unfamiliar way, the sleeves rolled up to resemble a muscle tee and the hemline bunched and tied with a hair scrunchie. It's a good look on Chaeyoung.

It actually

Like, really hot.

"Sorry, um. Should I not have taken it? Jennie said anything in the pile is fair game, but if you don't want me wearing it, I can change into something —"

"Uh. Uh, wait, no." Lisa stumbles frantically as Chaeyoung starts pulling at the shirt as if she's about to change right there in the hallway. "Y-uh. You can. Uh. Keep it. I mean, like. Wear it, for now. And I'll just get it back when you're...done with it."

She cringes at her own words.

"Are you sure?" Chaeyoung still looks uncertain. "I could grab something else if you want me to."

"No, you look..." Lisa forcibly chokes back the word that pops into mind. "...good. Fine. You look fine. N-not that you wouldn't in anything else." With a nervous laugh that does nothing to dispel the awkwardness, she grabs her sneakers and snatches her pouch from the hook. "Okay, good talk, let's go."

She leaves it up to Chaeyoung to close the door behind them, rushing down the driveway to their car to hide her burning cheeks.

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