Walls Could Talk (Part 1)

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Chaeyoung has lived in LA for 6 months now; Chaeyoung has also lived next door to her neighbor for 6 months now - her very loud neighbor. Not loud as in 'yells on the phone 24/7 at the top of her lungs' loud but she is always blasting music at a volume she's sure snakes (that are stone-deaf, mind you) can hear. 

Chaeyoung is far too polite to say anything and her neighbor doesn't have a terrible music taste but on nights she stumbled home, completely shattered from the hectic day of teaching, and wants nothing more than to sleep she certainly doesn't appreciate hearing Pop at ungodly hours.

Some nights she's definitely glad about the loud thumping of a bass as it drowns out the thumping of a headboard on the other side of the wall from some random girl or guy she has in her bed. If Chaeyoung had a dime for every single person her neighbor has had in her bed for the last 6 months she swears she'd be a millionaire.

One night Chaeyoung has just spent two extra hours at school after an excruciatingly long parent-teacher meeting, she flings open the door, drops the bag and kicks off her heels. The tall blonde goes straight for her freshly bought mangoes as her head is thumping and collapses on her sofa, sighing and completely shattered. Yet her ears are met with one of the rarest and beautiful noises: silence.

Chaeyoung fumbles for her phone she'd placed in her blazer pocket earlier and almost squeals when she realizes it's Friday; not only does she not have work tomorrow but it's one of the nights in the week that her neighbor goes quiet. Chaeyoung closes her eyes after taking a slice of the yellow fruit into her mouth and smiles. 

She then shucks off her blazer and tights and exchanges her work attire for a loose jumper and shorts; Chaeyoung jumps into bed and flicks on her Netflix on her TV, continue eating as she looks to her list.

It's nights like these when her neighbor goes silent that Chaeyoung lives in obliviousness of her neighbor but when she's halfway through episode 5 of her favorite show she hears the door open. Chaeyoung doesn't consider herself a nosey person but when she hears her neighbors voice she can't help but listen in.

"Okay, you can't tell mom I let you gave three ice creams." The girl speaks, voice quieter. "Now go brush your teeth and put on your pajamas." Chaeyoung shifts against her pillows as a muffled voice says something. 

"Okay, just be quiet because I think the girl next door is asleep." Chaeyoung finds herself smiling slightly at the acknowledgment. "I give her enough hell as it is during the week but she doesn't seem to mind." Chaeyoung can almost hear the girl shrug as she resists a scoff.

Eventually, Chaeyoung finishes the episode, finding herself yawning; she goes to brush her teeth before clambering back into bed and falling asleep with no noise at all from her neighbor.

Saturday night is a different story.

Chaeyoung is welcomed with the sound of bloody Ariana Grande at 3 in the morning and she slams her head into her pillow. As much as she enjoys the music on a regular day, right now she just wants to sleep after Jennie had dragged her out earlier in the night. Chaeyoung sat up in her bed and faced her wall, the pillow around the head trick doing jack shit, eyebrows knitted together and a surge of confidence swelling in her chest.

"Will you turn that off!" Chaeyoung yells. "My dead fish can hear it from Melbourne!" She snaps. And to her surprise, the volume is lowered and she hears a snort before that same gorgeous voice this time snarky and sharp.

"If you wanna hear me fuck then sure!" The girl replies and Chaeyoung groans, slumping back down on her bed. The music is then muffled and inaudible and Chaeyoung sighs, eyes drooping until the repulsing sound of some woman moaning and the bed hitting the wall replaces Ari's voice.

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