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"Renjun Huang, come here." Her voice was stern. It scared him. He stood up from the couch, glancing at Chenle.

The younger shrugged and he just turned around.

He trudged up the stairs, his hand was slightly shaking.

His parents weren't even fighting anymore.

The only thing that could be heard was Renjuns breath and the old stairs creaking under his feet.

He inhaled deeply before walking into their room and his heart dropped once he made eye contact with his parents.

"Renjun....why haven't you told us about this?" His phone was in her hand. She began to smile as she played a voicemail.

A smile was displayed on his face and he happily cheered.

He got the grocery store job.

"Oh, well, I just wanted it to be a bit of a surprise!" that was a lie....he never wanted them to know. He had a smile on his face but internally, he was unhappy because he knew that his parents would take small amounts of money from his bank account. His father would become lazier and continue to stay home from work and his mother would stop job searching and they'd just depend on him even though he was trying to get himself and Chenle out of that situation and couldn't when he didn't have enough money to provide for them.

He smiled but he felt sad. Sadder than he had ever been.

Because he knew his dream would never be a reality if his parents knew about how much he earned.

a/n: it's short but it's an update !

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