01: The Boy on the Train

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In which Peter finds a seat in the Head Boy's compartment on the Hogwarts Express.

"Aunt May, you're squishing me again," Peter grumbled. His summer growth spurt meant he was almost taller than his aunt. It also meant he had to bend down a little to hug her, and that her tight embrace was borderline suffocating.

"Oh, give me a break," May fussed. "I'm not going to see you for a while." One of her hands fluttered around aimlessly for a moment before settling on Peter's cheek and smushing it further into her shoulder. A train whistle sounded. Over Aunt May's shoulder, the Hogwarts Express shuddered, and steam billowed onto the platform.

Peter wiggled a little in her grip, trying to escape, before sagging in surrender. "But it's only a few months, then you'll see me over Christmas!" he protested, voice muffled by the folds of Aunt May's sweater.

"A few months is a long time! You're only eleven!"

"But Aunt May – "

Peter felt her shake her head. "Uh-uh. Just let me hold you. Next time I see you you're gonna be taller than me."

Peter sighed and squeezed Aunt May back. She might just be the most obnoxiously protective woman in the world, but she was Peter's only family. Truth was, he was going to really miss her while he was at Hogwarts.

"Oh, it's almost eleven!" May pulled back and gripped Peter's shoulders. "Now, you've got everything?" Peter held up his luggage. "And you'll send me owls every day?"

"Every day? But that's so many letters!" Peter whined.

"I'm sure you'll manage. Now, go, go, go! Get on the train!" Aunt May snuck a quick kiss onto Peter's cheek. "Love you!"

"I love you too, Aunt May." Peter tightened his grip on his trunk and gave his Aunt one last nervous smile before ducking into the crowd on the platform. He accidentally ran his trunk over someone's toes as he dodged between parents, causing an indignant yelp.

He emerged at the edge of the tracks just before the clock struck eleven. The Hogwarts Express shone with a fresh coat of crimson paint and stood wreathed in steam. Students leaned out of the windows, waving at family and calling out farewells. Peter leaped onto the steps just as the locomotive started moving, his trunk ka-clunking up off the platform.

The train picked up speed, and Peter glanced back once. He saw Aunt May pushing through the crowds, waving frantically.

The Hogwarts Express was en route.


Peter dragged his trunk all the way to the end of the train and back, trying to find a mostly empty compartment to settle down in. Everywhere was either full or had a couple intimidating-looking sixth or seventh years that seemed to be sending Peter away with their eyes.

Finally, almost at the very front of the train, Peter stopped outside a compartment with only one boy inside. The boy, who looked several years older than Peter, had his head tilted forward onto his chest and a hat covering his eyes, so Peter could only assume he was asleep. Peter looked back down the length of the packed carriage and took a deep breath before sliding open the sleeping student's compartment door and stepping inside.

He turned his back to the other boy for a brief moment to wrestle his trunk onto the overhead rack, and nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a jovial, "Who's this in my compartment?" from behind him. Peter turned slowly and sheepishly, face blooming red.

"I'm so sorry, sir, I should have asked before coming in, it's just that everywhere else was full so I- " Peter abruptly cut off when he saw the other boy's gentle smile and placating hands.

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