(10) Three Years Later..

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It was Christmas morning two days after Ella's third birthday. "Dada dada wake up wake Santa Santa." Ella said as she pulled at his face after Cassidy put her on the bed. 

He woke up "Good morning little darlin did Santa come see you even though you just had a birthday.." he said 

"I don't know.." she said with her red curly hair and dimply smile like Cassidy.

He smiled at her "You are so cute you know that. How did you get so cute.. oh wait cause of that little lady down there." he said as he pointed to Cassidy. 

"Oh shut up.. get up.. she does have gifts from "Santa." she said 

"Yeah yeah.' he said 

He got up and walked over to her and placed his hands on her 5 month baby bump. "I wish you would tell me what this one is." he said 

She laughed and said "maybe Santa knows." 

"Mmm are you saying I have a present downstairs from Santa. Have I been a good boy this year and get something from Santa." he said in a flirty tone. 

"You are never a good boy what are you talking about.." she said as she kissed him.

"I'm good in bed darlin..I make you scream all the time.." he said in low growl in her ear.

"Mmmm yes you do darlin but right now we have a little girl whose waiting to open her presents." she said 

"okay later I will make you scream." he said 

He went out in the hallway and picked up their daughter "Let's go princess." he said 

Cassidy followed behind them. "Oh no Aubs Santa turned off the tree lights." Cassidy said 

She made a pouty face and her little bottom lip quivered "Oh Aubs baby that doesn't mean anything bad..let's plug them do you want to help daddy plug in the lights" Cassidy said 

She sniffled and shook her head yes. 

"But you are right there." Bucky said 

"Do it.." she said with a smile.

"Is this my Christmas present turning on the lights." he said 

"Just do it please." Cassidy said 

"Okay" he said 

He plugged the lights back in "Buck baby come here.." she said 

"What that's not all of our lights thought." he said then came back out and he saw blue lights all over the tree. She handed him a cup of coffee that said "It's A BOY" in Blue lettering. 

"It's a boy.." he said 

She smiled "Hence the blue lights." she said 

"Oh baby we are having a boy!!" he said with a big smile and hugged "oh my god..I was hoping for a boy this time." he said 

"Baby brudder." Aubriella said as she put her hand on Cassidy's stomach. 

That afternoon they let the rest of the family know at Christmas dinner that they were having a boy. And also that they had decided on Cooper James Barnes for his name. They let everyone else know about their newest addition's gender. 

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