(7) The Kiss

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It was Easter Sunday Bucky pulled her away when no one was looking. He took her into the many guest rooms that was at his grandmother's house. He kissed her against the door after he shut her. "Mmm I'm done trying... mmm to control my thoughts..about you and I doing the dirty." he whispered as he kissed her over and over. 

He laid her on the bed and pulled down her top as he sucked on her neck and massaged her breast. "James.." she whispered as he started to grind against her. 

"Holy fuck are you big.." she whispered as she felt how hard he was against her. 

They were wrapped up in each other and didn't hear Penelope his grandmother holler for all the grandkids to come into the living room for a picture. Bucky's nephew Rowan said "I know where they are I'll get them." cause he seen them go upstairs. 

Rowan was about say something when he walked in when he seen Bucky on top of her with no shirt on tongue down her throat and her black lace bra as he massaged one of her breasts. Rowan went running "Grandpa Grandpa.." he said tugging on James's hand.

"What is it buddy did you find them.." James said

"Uncle James was kissing and touching Aunt Cassidy.." Rowan said with wide eyes.

"What.." Olivia said 

James could tell Rowan was very confused. "i'll be back." he said 

He went upstairs and found the door that was left open. He found Bucky just like Rowan desciribed. 

"James Buchanan Cassidy Joanna Bliss what the hell are you two doing." James yelled

Bucky stopped.

"Dad..I  um.. " he said as he wiped his mouth. 

Cassidy pulled her shirt up some. "I was just um.." Bucky said 

"Your nephew came up here cause your grandmother was looking for you two and found you two. Now he's very confused as to why his uncle was kissing his aunt and touching his aunt. Cause that's what he said when he came downstairs. Uncle James and Aunt Cassidy was kissing and touching." James said

Olivia came up stairs "Are you fucking kidding me.." she said 

"Get yourselves together and apologize to not only your grandmother but your nephew come up with damn good explanation for him too." James said 

"Yes sir." Bucky said 

James and Olivia walked out and shut the door behind them. Penelope met them "I told you son I told you that I saw the way he was looking at her at Christmas that it was only a matter of time before he tried his charm on her. You both said no no that they were just getting along and that they have a lot in common." Penelope said 

"Mom.." James said 

"I told you James Oliver that boy is nothing but trouble and that girl is just as bad. You told the judge that you wanted full custody of him cause you thought you could turn him around. And you have yet to do that! HE's gotten worse since you have had him. And you thought dating someone and who has a daughter that is equal to him then marrying the woman no offense to Olivia but your daughter is nothing but a whore. I have another grand daughter that tells me all about the things they do at high school. My grandson practically having sex in the hallways she is sleeping with half the football team and you two aren't even paying attention." Penelope said 

"I don't know where you are getting your information from grandma but Cassidy is not sleeping with anyone." Bucky said as he came down the stairs. 

"Your cousin Ashlynn James Buchanan.. she said that the football team likes to talk about her and how she looks naked so explain to me how they all know what she looks like." Penelope said

"Because the night of the bonfire she had sex with Carter Johns against the glass window of his lake house." Bucky said 

"Excuse me" Olivia said 

"You know like sex against the window mom.. I'm sure you wouldn't know what that is like considering you aren't like me that likes fun sex." Cassidy said

"Cassidy Joanna Bliss Baxter what the hell has gotten into you.." Olivia said 

"Look we are sorry for what Rowan walked in on okay. But ..." Bucky said but was cut off.

"There is no but James.. I think that it is best that you two be separated." Penelope said 

"You don't get a say in my life. She does she's the only person that has any legal say in my life." she said as she pointed to Olivia. 

"Well little girl she's married to my son and I do have a say in what happens to my grandson." Penelope said 

"Mom.." James said 

"I think  you should send her off to boarding school and him off to juvenile boot camp or rehab. There is no telling how many things he's addicted to." Penelope said

"Grandma.." Bucky said 

"No.. I'm done with bull shit." Penelope said

Cassidy walked away. "Cassidy Joanna.." Olivia said 

"I'm going home.. I don't want to be here anymore I'm sick and tired of people trying to change me. I am me rather you like it or not." she said as she wiped a way a tear. 

"Good job everybody" Bucky said as he went after her. 

They got back to their house they were kissing in his room "Get me pregnant.." she said 

"What.." he said 

"Get me pregnant they can't pull us apart if I am pregnant and I haven't taken my birth control in months cause I broke up with Carter." she said 

He laid her down he stuck a thumb tack in his condom then put it on. "oh fuck me baby do you feel good." he whispered 

"James oh James.." she whispered 

After three orgasms he started to fill the condom "Oh god baby..oh fuck yes Cass oh god Cassidy baby.." he whispered as he came undone. 

She looked up at him "What baby.." he whispered

"I'm so scared..this wasn't suppose to happen. I..l-l-l.." she started to stutter 

"Shh baby it's okay I know.. I feel it too baby. You are doing things to me baby things I haven't felt before. " he whispered 

He poked holes in all of his condoms and they had four rounds before their parents got home. They were asleep in his bed when they came to check on them they saw the condom mess in the floor. 

"Guess we will talk to them in the morning.." Olivia said 

Cassidy heard them as they shut the door. She closed her eyes and whispered "Daddy please give me a baby please.." 

Bucky pulled her closer and whispered "Shh baby it will work out baby I promise." as he pulled her closer to him. 

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