Chapter-6 Same Mistakes

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Zayn's POV

I feel something vibrating, what ever it is, it's annoying me. I snuggle back down into my bed and to drift back off to sleep. Just as I feel myself relaxing the vibrating starts again. I reach over to my bed side table a grab my phone. It's 4:30. What the hell does Harry want at this hour of the morning? I put my phone back down and snuggle into my bed. My phone goes off again. Ahh I guess I should answer it. I grab my phone just before it rings out.

"Hello" I say sleepily into the phone. "Omg you finally answered, our plane got in at 1:30, where the hell have you been?" Harry yells. "It's 4:30 in morning", I said "thought you got in during the afternoon, I'm in bed asleep, like a normal person" I say confused. "I think to check the time again, we've been at the airport for 3 hours now" Harry says annoyed. I take a look at my bed side clock it reads 4:35pm. Shit! I've been asleep all day. "Shit, sorry Hazza, coming to get you now" I say and end the call before he can start yelling at me again.

I stumble out of bed and put a shirt and some jeans on. I slip on some shoes and grab an iced coffee out of the fridge and grab my car keys and run down the stairs to the carport. Shit I forgot to lock up. I quickly run back up the stairs lock the door and race back down to the car. I'm gonna be in some much trouble from the pair of them, I don't think I'll ever hear the end of it. Wait why was I the one responsible for picking them up? Oh yeh Telisha and Nadine are both working, Liam's taken his sister out for lunch and Louis has soccer training. I should have set an alarm.

When I get to the airport Georgia and Harry are both sitting on a bench looking tired and very angry. "Finally" Georgia says throwing her hands up in the air and stomps off to the back seat of the car, slamming the door. "I don't think she wants to talk to you" Harry says grabbing his suit case and pulling it over to the back of the car. I do the same with Georgia's "I can see that, sorry man". This is going to be a long trip home.

"I honestly can't believe you Zayn, we chose an afternoon flight so that we wouldn't have to disturb your slumber, but no we forgot your a sloth. I've been at the airport for three whole hours after a 24 hour flight, and honesty couldn't wait to get back to my bed and sleep. But no you were too busy enjoying your sleep to worry about anyone else, is it really too much to ask of you to pick us up from the airport, obviously it is. Now would you hurry up and get me home to my bed so I can sleep!" Georgia yells at me. I decide not to say anything in case I say something wrong so I nod at her.

We get back to the apartments after what feels like a really long awkward drive. As soon as the car stops Georgia gets out the car and runs out of the garage. I don't think she realises no one will be home. Her problem not mine, I've got the keys. Harry and I take the suit cases and head up the elevator. When we reach our floor Georgia's standing impatiently in front of her apartment door tapping her foot glaring at me angrily. "Excuse me" I say so I can open the door for her, but she won't move. I awkwardly reach around her and unlock the door. She grabs her suit case out of my hands and takes it into the apartment and slams the door close in my face.

Wow, I don't think I've ever seen her so angry. Harry pats me on the back, "she'll calm down, I'm gonna go freshen up" he says as he unlocks the door for me. I walk to my room and grab my phone. I see I have 54 missed calls from Georgia, 2 from Harry and one from Telisha. No wonder Georgia's angry. I decide to call Telisha back, I don't want to get in trouble with anyone else today.

She picks up first ring "hey" she says happily. "Hey" I say. "What's up?" She asks, she's always been good at telling when there's something wrong with me. "Uh... I no this sounds really bad but I was late to pick up the newly weds and Georgia isn't the slightest bit happy about that" I tell Telisha. "Oh" she says "I thought she'd be happy to be home". "I know, but I think the fact that I was three hours late to pick them up, made it just a little bit worse..." I trail off. "Look I'm pulling into the garage now, I'll be up in a minute, bye". Before I get a chance to hang up Telisha ends the call.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do? Do I try to fix things with Georgia yet, or will that just makes things worse. Why does life have to be so hard! I hear the front door open, I'm guessing it's Telisha. I walk out into the living room to see Harry walking out the door. I'm guessing he's going over to see Georgia. At least I'll be able to talk to Telisha without Harry sharing it all with Georgia.

Telisha walks in the front door seconds later. "Hey sleepy" she smiles and gives me a hug. She so small compared to me, it's more obvious to me when I'm holding her. "Hey, how was work?" I ask as I release her from my hold. "Good actually, managed to decide on a cover for my new book" Telisha says happily. She pulls out her phone and shows me a picture of the cover. There's a wolf and a boys face mixed together, very well done. "Looks awesome" I tell her. I'm not a big reader but I do like reading Telisha's books.

Telisha makes us a hot drink and we sit down on the couch. "Now please tell me how you were late to pick up Georgia?" Telisha asks me. "I was asleep" I tell her outright. "Good one" she laughs and shakes her head and me. "I know, I feel bad" I say honestly. "Look give her some time cool off, I'll have a chat to her about it later. But for now I think you should stay in your apartment." She says. "Yeh alright" I agree with her. "You can go back to yours if you want, I'll be fine on my own" I say even though I'd prefer that she stayed. "No, I'll stay, I want to" Telisha says smiling at me.

We decide to have a night in together. We have left over pasta from a few nights ago. While I heat up dinner Telisha picks out a movie. "What you pick?" I ask as I hear the DVD player open. "A movie" she says giving me a cheeky grin. "Name?" I ask grabbing some forks out the draw. "You can wait and see" she says. We take a seat on the couch and I dig into my dinner. There's a few trailers for some other movies before the title menu comes up. She chose Avengers. "Good choice" I say smiling at her. I have to say it's actually a pretty good movie. Watching it with Telisha will make it even better I'm sure.

Half way through the movie Louis and Liam walk in the apartment laughing. "Shhh" Telisha whines to the boys. "Sorry" Louis says sarcastically. "I think we walked in on a date" Liam winks at Telisha and I. "Oh yes" Louis says as the two disappear off to their bedrooms. "Sorry" I say as if they were my brothers. Sometimes I wonder if we actually are all brothers, we act like brothers. "It's okay, now let's just watch the movie" she says patting my leg. I put my hand on top of hers and squeeze it. Maybe one day it will be a date.

As the credits begin to play I look over at Telisha. She fallen asleep. She looks so peaceful and beautiful. If I took her back to her bed id surely wake her and I couldn't do that. I get up quietly and grab a few blankets from the linen cupboard. I slip off her shoes and lift her legs into the coach so she's laying down. I tuck her underneath the blankets and head to bed myself. I probably won't see her tomorrow morning but tonight was enough. When my head hits the pillow I imagine being able to hold Telisha in my arms and so I fall asleep dreaming of the day she is mine.

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