Chapter 7 - Does He Know?

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Niall's POV

"Jenna, baby wake up" I say as I softly rub my thumb across her cheek. I feel her stir then slowly open her eyes. "Niall" she says smiling sleepily up at me. "Good morning beautiful, we've got a big day ahead you should get up" I tell her. "Okay I'll go take a shower" she says sitting up in bed. "I'll go make us breakfast" I say leaving our bedroom and shutting the door. It's Harry's Birthday today, we all decided to give him a big surprise party in his new house.

I walk into the living room to find Maddy playing with her toys on the carpet. "Want to come pick up the cake with me?" I ask Maddy. Georgia decided to order Harry a cake covered in crazy photos if Harry over the years. Harry us defiantly the clown if our group! Maddy and I get into the car and head to cake shop.

We walk into the shop to see a big square cake covered in pictures and 'Happy 25th Harry' across the cake. "Hey, I came to pick up the cake order for Georgia Styles" I say to the young girl behind the counter. She smiles, "your Niall Horan right? And the cakes for Harry Styles?". I laugh, "that's me and yep that cakes for the one and only Harry Styles". "Wow, I just met a celebrity" she smiles, "say happy birthday to Harry for me". I smile "sure will", I hand her a hundred dollars and she passes the cake over. Just as I'm about to leave the shop, Maddy asks a question. "Can I have a cupcake please Dad?"
She smiles up at me with her beautiful blue eyes begging me. I sigh, "okay I guess". I go to grab my wallet out of my pocket when the girl behind the counter hands Mads a pink cupcake and smiles, "this ones on me". I smile and thank her as we leave the shop to meet Jenna at Harry's.

When I walk into Harrys Jenna and Telisha are in the kitchen preparing food that smells amazing!! "Smells good girls" I say placing the cake on the bench. "Thanks for the cake" Jenna says. "Ahh the cake was easy only took me five minutes to make" I say giving Jenna a cheeky grin. Jenna rolls her eyes at me and moves the cake into the fridge. Jenna turns around to see Maddy with pink icing covering her face. Jenna's face turns from happy to something that I can't read. "Where is my cake?" she asks me. I sigh, "I thought you were gona tell me off for giving her cake in the morning!" Jenna laughs as she cleans off Mad's face. "Go help out Nadine, Liam, Zayn and Louis. They're outside putting up decorations.

I walk out the back door to find Liam trying to hold Nadine on a ladder which seems to be falling from underneath her, while Louis is filming and commentating on his phone with Zayn standing alongside laughing. Suddenly Nadine looses her footing and slips falling into Liam's arms. Liam tries to grab her and stabilise himself, but fails and so the two fall in a heap onto the floor. "And yet again we have Nadine and Liam a laughing mess on floor after a disastrous fall" Louis says. Nadine winces, I go grab her hand and help her to her feet. "Thanks" she says. "And it's on Facebook" Louis says grinning. Louis walks off inside to go show the others.

We finish setting up the decorations outside and head back inside to see how the girls are going. As I walk into the kitchen the smell of beautiful hot food fills my lungs. "Smells amazing babe" I say wrapping my arms around Jenna's waist from behind while she's washing the dishes. She leans into my embrace, "well sadly we can't have any until the birthday boy arrives" Jenna says teasing me. I sigh and then spot a bowl of icing at the other side of the kitchen. As I go to dip my finger in the bowl, Telisha slaps my arm, "get out of it Niall". "Fine" I sigh, feeling disappointed. "So when are the guests arriving?" I ask. "Louis is leading them round the back gate" Zayn says, "I'm gona go help, want to come?". " Alright let's go" I say leading the way back outside.

Before long all the guests have arrived and we are just waiting on Georgia and Harry to arrive. Just as I go to ask Jenna when Georgia said she'd come I hear the key in the front door click. "Hide" Louis says in the quietest voice I've ever herd him use. Louis and I quickly run over to opposite sides of the door picking up a bucket of confetti each. As the door opens, everyone in the house yells "SUPRISE" as Louis and I pour confetti over both Georgia and Harry. I can tell by Harry's fake surprised face that he was expecting this. How would he have know? Harry thanks everyone and music starts playing which creates a great party atmosphere.

The room soon starts to fill with noise and I loose sight of Jenna and Maddy. I decide to go find the two before I relax and enjoy myself. I walk to kitchen to find Jenna and Telisha beginning to bring out food. Jenna smiles at me when she sees me. I awkwardly lean around her and give her a kiss. "Do you know where Mad's is?" I ask. I grab a sausage roll and dip it into some tomato sauce. Yum this is good food. "I don't" she says walking off and out of the kitchen to serve food. I guess I'll go find her then. I walk outside to find Maddy dancing with Nadine and a bunch of other little kids. If Nadine goes missing, she'll be easy to find, with some little kids. I catch her eye for a second and she smiles and awkwardly gives me a thumbs up while trying to hold a baby. The girls are safe, time to relax and party!

I head back inside and bump into Harry. "Happy Birthday bro!" I say hugging my best mate. "Cheers Niall!" He smiles at me hugging me back. "So... Suprise or not?" I ask. "Ahhhh not" Harry answers, "I saw the invites in the kitchen bench a few weeks ago". "Oh damn, why did we trust Georgia with the invites?" I ask myself. "Yeh why did you?" Harry says. We both laugh as Georgia walks up to us. "What's so funny?" Georgia asks. "That we trusted you with the invites" I tell Georgia. "Oh did I miss someone?" She asks generally not understanding. "No, you left them on the kitchen bench" Harry says putting his arm around his wife. "Oh..." Georgia trails off.

I head outside to check what Maddy's up to. I see Maddy in the corner dancing with Nadine to Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars. It's rather cute, Maddy actually has some pretty good moves. Nadine catches my eye and waves me over to come join Maddy and her. I walk over to the girls and grab hold of each of there hands and we begin to dance around in circle. Maddy has the biggest grin on her face and is letting out little giggles every now and again, I can tell she enjoying herself. After the song ends we head over to the food table to grab a snack. "Nadine you free tomorrow night?" I ask Nadine. "Yeh I've got a morning shift, so I'm free tomorrow night." She answers. "Would you mind looking after Maddy for Jenna and I please? We have a dinner." I ask Nadine. "I'd love to look after Maddy, she can stay at ours and you can grab her in the morning" Nadine says happily. "Thanks, well drop her round yours at 4" I say. "Cheers Niall" Nadine says smiling at Maddy, "maybe we can watch a movie Maddy." Maddy smiles back up at Nadine, "Frozen please" Maddy says as her eyes brighten with excitement.

Jenna and Georgia come walking outside holding the cake between the two of them and begin singing happy birthday as they walk towards Harry. Everyone soon joins in singing. Harry's face lights up as he sees his cake covered in photos of the great times he's had. As the singing stops Harry blows out his candles and all the guest cheer. Jenna soon begins cutting the cake and Georgia hands it out. When Maddy and I both have a piece of cake we head over to the grass and sit down to eat our cake. Jenna comes and joins us soon after. "The cakes pretty good" I say finishing off my cake. "Yeh, I ate uncle Harry and Aunty Georgia" Maddy says smiling. Jenna and I both laugh at her, "Well I ate Harry and Gemma" Jenna says. "I'm going to eat Maddy" I say grabbing Maddy's hand and I pretend to nibble her fingers. Maddy giggles "stop daddy before I get hungry and eat you". I get off the grass "come catch me then". I run slowly and Maddy catches me and nibbles my hands and we both fall on the floor in laughter. Jenna walks up and takes a picture. "That photos for the family album" Jenna says smiling down at us.

The afternoon light begins to fade. I find Jenna in the kitchen cleaning with Telisha. "Hey hun, should we head home soon?" I ask. "Yeh, go say bye to boys I'll get Maddy ready to go" she says with her hands in the sink washing dishes. "Okay meet you at the car then babe" I say as I walk off to find the birthday boy. I find Harry outside grabbing a drink "beer Niall?" He asks as he sees me approach. "No thanks Harry, we gotta the little one home to bed on time. Happy Birthday again, hope you had a good one!" I say giving him a pat on the back. "Cya later Niall, we'll catch up soon" Harry says smiling at me. I see a group with Georgia, Reanne, Telisha and Nadine. I head over to the girls. "Cya girls, gotta get Mad's to bed" I say "Jenna says goodbye too, we'll catch up soon". "Cya Niall, I'll organise something" Georgia says "and thanks for your help today much appreciated". "No worries, bye girls" I say leaving the girls group as I spot the boys over in the corner. "Catch Ya later lads" I say joining the boys. "Party pooper!" Liam says elbowing me in the ribs. "Well I could stay, but you'll have to deal grumpy tired Maddy tomorrow?" I say. "Since when did baby sitting duties Liam says giving me a confused look. "Talk to Nadine gotta go boys bye" I say. "Cya" Louis and Zayn at the same time while Liam is still staring at me confused.

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