Chapter-3 Moments

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Jenna's POV

I role over in bed to look at the clock, it's 8 o'clock. Niall is still snoring next to me. I think last night was the first wedding where I didn't end up with a hangover. I guess the times have changed, I'm living the family life it seems. I get out of bed quietly, I don't want to wake Niall, I think he had a few more than me last night. I put on one of Niall's jumpers over my T-shirt, it's cool in the mornings. I walk in to Maddy's room, there's toys laying all over the floor from last night and an empty bed. She must be watching tv.

I find her watching play school in the family room. "Good morning sweetie" I say sitting down next to her on the couch and pulling her into a hug. "Morning mummy, I'm hungry" Maddy says while hugging me. "Me too, do you want pancakes?" I ask as I get up and head to the kitchen. "Yes please mum" Maddy says excitedly. "Can I help?" Maddy asks. "Sure Hun, do you want to get the eggs and milk out the fridge please?" I say as I get the four out the cupboard. I help Maddy to crack the eggs into the bowl and mix in the flour and milk. "Go wake up daddy please Mads" I say, as I begin cooking the pancakes.

Niall walks into the kitchen looking like he's been run over by a train, he looks horrible. "Good morning babe, you look terrible!" I say before I lean in and kiss him. "Uhhh thanks I guess, I shouldn't have had that last drink" he says obviously regretting last night. I laugh "no you probably shouldn't have, but you'll be okay because I cooked breakfast. Do you want to set the table please?" I say, taking the last pancake out of the pan. "Sure, Maddy do you want to get out the maple syrup and cream please?" Niall says while putting plates and cutlery on the table. Maddy smiles "yay I'm aloud cream!!"

After eating breakfast, Niall takes a shower while Maddy cleans her room and I wash the dishes. Just as I'm drying my hands my phone rings. It's Telisha, so I answer. "Hey, how's everyone going with the hangovers?" I ask. "Zayn ended up crashing on my couch, Liam had the keys, and he wasn't answering his phone. Still haven't seen the love birds this morning either." Telisha informs me. "They'll show up soon asking for food soon I bet. Niall like shit this morning, I can't imagine why he'd be like if we'd stayed longer. Thankfully Maddy isn't grumpy yet either" I tell Telisha. "Well that's good. You missed the funniest thing last night too, Nadine fell on the dance floor in a heap of laughter, and managed to pull Liam down with her, it was the best!" Telisha says while laughing. "I can imagine" I say while laughing. "Nadine and Liam just walked, I better go sort them out, talk to you later, bye Jenna" Telisha says. "Okay bye Hun, have fun" I laugh and end the call.

Niall walks into the lounge just as I finish on the phone. "What's so funny?" Niall asks me. "We missed Nadine and Liam falling on the dance floor last night" I tell him. "Oh god!" Niall laughs "that would have been good." I nod and laugh. "I'm going to go shopping with Maddy today to get some things for school, which is in a month now" I tell Niall. "Serious? I'll stay home thanks, and try and get over this hangover, if that's okay?" "Yep sounds like a plan to me, I'll go get Mads ready" I say walking down the hall to Maddy's bedroom.

I find Maddy in her room playing with the her barbie doll house. "Come on Mad's get dressed and we can go shopping for your school stuff" I say looking through her overflowing wardrobe, she is spoilt rotten. I guess that's generally what happens when you got a famous daddy. I pull out a purple butterfly dress, "how about this one?" I ask Maddy. She nods and runs off "I'm going to get the butterfly clips for my hair" Maddy says as she leaves the room. She loves her butterfly clips, she wears them nearly everywhere.

Thirty minutes later we finally are on our way to the shops. "Can we listen to daddy please" Maddy asks just as I pull into the car park. "Yeh sure in the way back, we are here now" I say parking the car. We get out of the car and walk into the shopping centre. In the shops Maddy picks out a butterfly school bag with a matching lunch box, drink bottle and pencil case. "Hey look!" Maddy says excitedly. "This bag has daddy on it" Maddy says pointing at a one direction bag. I quickly grab hold of Maddy's hand and drag her out into another isle. I whisper angrily "don't ever mention anything about any of he boys, remember what happened last time?" "Sorry mum" she says looking sorry. "It's okay your lucky no one herd you, let's go buy your bag" I say heading to checkouts.

Last year Maddy and I were out Christmas shopping for her cousins presents. Maddy saw the dolls of the boys and screamed "I can see a daddy doll". Someone over herd and did the maths. She realised who we were and before we knew it the whole shop was in that one aisle bombarding us with questions. Maddy broke down into tears. We needed security to get us out safely. I don't ever want that to happen again.

When we get out of the shops I check my phone. There's a message from Telisha, "wana meet up for coffee?" I text her back, "meet at coffee shop in 10 x". "Do you some afternoon tea Mad's?" I ask Maddy. "Yes please, I want a milkshake" Maddy replies smiling. Together we walk in the direction of the coffee shop.

Ten minutes later we get to the coffee shop. I spot Telisha sitting at a table outside in the sun. "Hey Telisha" I say as we approach the table. Telisha gets up and hugs me, " hey Jenna". She picks up Mad's, "hello beautiful" Telisha says to Maddy. "Hi Telisha" Maddy says running over to her seat. "I'll go order, what do you want?" I ask. "Chocolate milkshake pease mum!" Maddy says excitedly. "Skinny latte, thanks Jenna" Telisha smiles. "I'll get some chocolate chip cookies too" I say heading into the cafe.

Soon back at the table the drinks arrive with the cookies. "Thank you mum" Maddy says biting into her cookie. "Welcome darling" I say sipping my coffee. "So how's everyone back at the apartments?" I ask Telisha. Telisha laughs "I'm pretty sure they all have a pretty big headache each. When I left Nadine was asleep in her room and Zayn and Liam were resting on the couches. Still haven't herd or seen Louis, I hope he's okay." Telisha says. "I'm so glad I only have to deal with Niall!" I say feeling sorry for Telisha. "Yeh your lucky!" Telisha says smiling.

I hear my phone vibrate in my bag. I better check that. There's a message from Niall, "do you wana grab something for dinner on your way home? x". "It's Niall he wants me to get something for dinner" I tell Telisha. "Yeh I need to grab something too, I can't see any cooking dinner tonight" Telisha says. "Can we have Nando's please mummy!" Maddy asks me. "Yeh sounds good" I tell Maddy. "Good idea Mad's I think we will have that too" Telisha adds smiling at Maddy. I reply to Niall's text, "yeh well get Nando's, your favourite x". "You should probably text Louis, just to check he's okay" I say to Telisha. "Yeh good idea, I will." Telisha says.

Telisha pulls out her phone and texts Louis. "Hopefully he replies" Telisha says putting her phone back in her pocket. We finish our drinks and cookies and walk down the road to Nando's together. Nando's is busy when we get there, the going out the door and on to the street so we quickly join the line. "Can I have chicken and chips please mum?" Maddy asks me. "Sure thing Mad's" I smile down at her. "Yay!" Maddy says jumping up excitedly.

Eventually we reach the front of the line and place our orders. We then waited another 15 minutes for our food, then walked back to the car. "I caught the bus here" Telisha says "can you give me a lift home please". "Sure thing" I say as I unlock the car. Just as we leave thecar park Telisha's phone beeps. "It's Louis, he says he's fine, just got a killer headache and he spent the night at Reanne's" Telisha says. "Looks like Louis found himself a girlfriend" I say giggling "those two were flirting constantly last night".

Soon we arrive at the apartment building. "Thanks for the lift Jenna, cya you guys soon she says getting out of the car. "Cya" Maddy and I say waving. I toot and drive off heading home. I can hear the paper bags being played with in the back of the car. "You better not be eating all those chips Maddy" I say pulling into the driveway. "I only had one mum" she says with a cheeky grin. "Come one lets head inside and eat" I say closing the garage and getting out the car.

When we get inside I put dinner on the table. I wonder where Niall is. I walk into the lounge room and find him asleep in front of the television. I lean down and kiss him on the cheek. He stirs and opens his eyes. "Hey darl, were home dinners on the table if you want it come join us" I tell Niall. Niall yawns "Hello, I'm starving let's go eat" he says getting off the couch. Together we join Maddy at the dinner table and sit down and enjoy our peri-peri chicken.

After dinner I put Maddy to bed and head to bed myself. I climb into bed and snuggle in next to Niall. "Thanks for taking Maddy out today, I could have dealt with her and this hangover" he says wrapping his arms around me. "Welcome babe" I say and give him a kiss "goodnight". "Night" Niall says closing his eyes. I love my husband. I'm so grateful to have him and Maddy in my life, I don't no what I'd do with out them.

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