Chapter 15

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"So you're the intel?" Chloe asked in disbelief. 

The trip to Arcadia Bays hospital was a short one, now the three girls were in a room with Nathan propped up in a hospital bed, hooked up to monitors and other various machines. 

Nathan nodded slowly, keeping his eyes closed.

"How did you get all the pictures of me?" Rachel demanded, her eyes flaring. She looked furious.

"How did you get any of the evidence you have?" Max chimed in.

Nathan opened his eyes and sighed, "I used to be his apprentice." Nathan murmured. "I used to look up to him, he was the only father I had." Nathan shook his head again. 

Chloe opened her mouth but Nathan held up his hand, "Let me start from the beginning." he said.

Grabbing a chair, Max sat down along with Chloe and Rachel.

Nathan drew a breath and began, "When Mark was accepted into Blackwell, he and my father hit it off great. It makes sense, both are sociopaths who stop at nothing to get what they want." Nathan let out a dry chuckle, "I began to see more and more of Mark, at meetings with my father, in my house. The two were... friends, or at least allies working for a common goal." Nathan looked down at his hands, "My father told Mark about my dream to be a photographer, my infatuation with beautiful models and my dark pictures and Mark seemed keenly interested. He told me that if I trained under him he could make me a star, his pupil, someone who could do what he did but better." Nathan looked up, "Better than Mark Jefferson? I was sold. I was a fool." His expression dropped into sorrow, "I did everything he asked, lying to girls so that they would become my models, manipulating my friends into agreeing into things they didn't understand. All because I thought that it would make him proud. I wanted someone to be proud of me for once." His voice cracked and he rubbed at his eyes, trying to hide the tears. "Then that... that bastard took it too far." He hissed, "He manipulated Victoria, raped her and took sick photos of her. He showed me them and I raged but he said that to be a photographer as good as he was, you must be willing to make sacrifices, to always take a shot." He spat, "So I did. I took my shot right into his gut but somehow the fucker survived." Nathan let out a laugh, "And now he's hunting me. Trying to silence the only threat he knows of before he's exposed." Nathan's eyes flashed, "I know everything. I can show you everything but it can't happen overnight." 

Max's mind reeled at all the information but a question stook out in her mind, "You shot him?" She asked, "When?"

"It was months ago, my father was pissed and offered to pay the hospital bill for him. But the wound isn't healed, it's a weakness of his." Nathan paused, "I have this insane idea, but it could work." 

Chloe grinned, "Insane is my middle name." She said, "What is it?"

Nathan grinned slightly, "I can get a police force rallied to storm his base of operations. However, I know by my father that he changed the location. What I need you three to do is place a tracker on him." 

"A tracker? Without him noticing?" Rachel said in disbelief. 

"It's a silent one, a design he used to stalk women and kidnap them when they were alone only better." Nathan explained, holding a small, flat, thin disk that blinked every few seconds. "Place it somewhere he won't notice."

"Hell no, this is insane." Rachel said, "I'm not letting myself or-"

"I'll do it." Max cut her off, making Chloe and Rachel freeze.

"No." They said together, "No way in hell." 

"I have to." Max said, "This.." She wavered, her resolve faltering before regaining strength. "This is the only way."

Rachel and Chloe exchanged gazes, both uncertain. Chloe looked back at her, blue eyes round.

"Max, you do realize what the risk is. I mean... he could-" 

"Don't finish that." Max looked away, her tone sharp. "I'm aware of the risks but..." A thought crossed her mind, a sapling of an idea that, if executed well, could grow into the tree of Jefferson's undoing. She looked back at Chloe and Rachel, a smile on her face. "It's time I be an everyday hero." 

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