Chapter Three.

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     Sarah being out of the house meant I had free reign. I could do whatever I wished. It was a Saturday, and I had no other obligations. Except create an entire album...

I decided to go get lunch by myself at a restaurant I really liked. I was a regular. No one was star struck by me there, anymore.

I walk in, and go out to the patio since I decided to bring Bogart and Penny with me. They were the best company, because they didn't ask me anything. "What happened in Capetown." Shit, Sarah. If you only knew the love of my life left me there, crying and praying to a God I didn't even believe in to just let me go back and redo life over....

"Hi Brendon! Hi puppies! It's been awhile." Katrina. She was always working, and it was nice to see a familiar face when I went there.

"Hey! Yes, it has. But I am definitely happy to be back." She smiles, and turns away ... not even asking me anything she brings me back a water, and a shot of tequila.

"Your order is already in." I'm that guy. Stick to what I know, and Katrina knows it, too. She sets down a bowl of water for the dogs. I smile as a thank you, and go back to skimming my phone.

I was the only person out here for a minute, probably 10. The solidarity was great.

I hear a couple come sit out at a table a few feet away, but whatever. I keep skimming. "It's been awhile since I've seen you! How are you?"

"We're good, thanks Katrina." She knows everyone apparently. This girl needs a vacation.

"Bogart, where are you going? Come back over here." I tug on his leash, but he's nosey, he likes to meet everyone.

"Can I pet him?" a voice says from the other table?

I look up from my phone to say a quick yes, but I double take. Z?? She doesn't know me, or maybe she does .... but she doesn't KNOW me. Thankful for the sunglasses I have on, Ryan didn't see my glance towards him.

Why? Why is this happening to me. I showed Ryan this place. Not that I have ownership of it, but fuck.

Ryan's girlfriend is now petting my dogs and we are just sitting here ... pretending it's not strange. Katrina sets down my food after what felt like three hours. "Can I actually get this to go? I forgot I have somewhere to be." She nods, and comes back with a box and my check. I don't even look at it. I just hand her my card, and take the shot of tequila quick.

I'm sitting there, hands fidgeting each other, all ready to go by the time she comes back. I sign it quick and stand up pulling the leashes. "Let's go, kids," I say to Penny and Bogart. We start walking towards the door when I hear, "We should get a dog, Ry." My eyes rolled into the next century. Dogs mean commitment .... Ryan doesn't know what that word means.


I get a text on my way home.

Unknown: You know you didn't have to leave.

This is not happening. Not now.

Me: Yeah, I'm sorry. Idk who this is.
Unknown: Brendon ....

Do I keep playing it off? How did Ryan even have my number? Stupid question. Spencer.

Me: Yes?
Ryan: You know this is Ryan. Please don't play dumb with me.
Me: I have something going on today that I forgot about, my leaving was not because of you.

We'll see how well this lie holds.

He didn't reply though, and it's been well over an hour.

Sarah: I'm staying with a friend this weekend. I know it's rare, but they need me and I promised I'd come.

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