Jason's POV:
*tap tap tap*
Gosh! This class is so fucken boring! Usually I would play pranks on the teacher, but I'll be a good boy... For now. I look down at my note book.
Topic: Jai Sidney Bradford
-brown hair
-has a girlfriend
All I got right now. I look over to my right, and saw this chick Samantha starring at me. I furrow my eyebrows.
I can tell she wears a bunch of makeup. Hm I wonder if she's wearing a weave.
"Samantha!" The teacher yells, making me and Samantha jump. "Yes?" She said innocently. I rolled my eyes.
"Please pay attention" the teacher scolded. Samantha nods her head. I look over at Jai and Amelia. As I look at them I could see Jai sneak glimpse of her. Aww Jaisy how cute.
(Lunch time!)
It's finally lunch, yes! my favorite subject of the day. Wait? Is it a subject? eh, I shrug.
"Jai, can you hurry up?" I said waiting for him by the door of his class.
"Ready" he said coming towards me.
"How's your project doing?" he asked. I rubbed the back of my neck.
"Uh, it's doing good actually" I lied. Man, Jai isn't interesting as I thought.
We got our lunch and walked towards the table of ... Jocks?
"What's up Jai?" some of the jocks asked.
"I'm doing great, uh this is Jason" he said, looking at me.
"Sup" I said sitting down. They didn't say anything back but nod. I guess they aren't much talkers.
"Jai, I didn't know you do football, what are you? The Water boy" I said emphasizing 'water boy'.
The guys laughed at my joke and Jai gives me a glare.
"Actually Jai is the quarter back, he's great" the guy with highlights said.
I nod my head. Oh Jai is a quarter back? that's pretty interesting.
The guys talk about some stuff I didn't really care about but then I saw someone familiar. Amelia.
Hmm should I go over there? But Jai. Nah fuck Jai let's have a chat.
I stood up, grabbing my tray and head over to Amelia's table. I could feel the guys stares on me, but whatever.
"Hey Amelia" I said smiling at her and even her friends.
"Hey Jason, uh girls... this is Jai's cousin Jason" she introduced me. I waved.
We all talked about stuff... And other stuff... Including more stuff.
In the corner of my eye, a guy comes up to this table eyeing Amelia. I stare at him with a observing look.
"Hey Amelia" he said with his... damn his teeth are white!
"Hey Tanner, what's up?" She asked, flashing him her smile.
Why do I have a bad feeling with this guy. Ugh I'm not feeling good. Maybe it's from the burrito... That's was a good burrito though.
"We'll... uh can I talk to you alone?" He said, scratching the back of his neck.
She turns to us giving us the 'sorry I need to go' look. We all nod... except for me though.
As she left I felt my tummy turn. "Are you alright?" the black haired girl said.
I held up my pointer finger, signaling I'm going to leave. I rushed out of the cafeteria, into the bathroom.
Man, I have diarrhea.
(After school)
"Where the hell is Jai?" I whispered to my self. I didn't watch where I'm going and bumped into someone.
"Oh hey Jason" Samantha said batting her fake lashes. Man those look like she could fly away if she did it fast enough.
"Hey" I said, forcing a smile. I spotted Jai and I walked towards him, we'll with Samantha at my side talking about a new purse she got.
Jai gives me a confused look. I widen my eyes so he could help me out of this situation.
"Uh Samantha, you know they sell pumpkin spice lattes in the back now" Jai said, pointing to the back.
I could see Samantha's eyes twinkle from what she heard. " Uh bye Bradford boys, got to go" she said winking at us.
I waved at her and got into the car.
"Hm Bradford boys... I could get use to that" I said.
"Eww not with you Jason" Jai said furrowing his eyebrows.
we walked inside the house and head to the lounge area. God I miss home.
I put my feet up on the coffee table, as well as Jai.
"Feet off the table boys!" Aunty B shouted.
I jumped a bit and obeyed her demand. I looked over at Jai, and we both laughed.
"Dude remember when you drag raced and got your drivers permeant suspended?" I said wiping the tears from my eyes.
Gosh we kept laughing. I think my abs are more toned now.
"Yeah, gosh the memories. Jacob sent you the video right?" he asked.
Ahh Jacob, my pal... If you were wondering he's one of my best friends, even Jai's.
"Yeah man, I still have the video"
"Uh you know this Tanner guy?" I finally asked. I just want to warn Jai you know.
Jai froze when I mentioned his name. I guess he knew what I was talking about.
"Uh yeah I do know that guy...why?" he said looking down then up at me.
"Uh he was at Amelia's table, and asked to speak with her... alone" emphasizing 'alone'.
I could tell Jai was mad, since he didn't say anything and just played with his dog tag necklace.
I then noticed I had a dog tag necklace as we'll, even Jacob. " You still wear it huh" I said pointing to he necklace.
He stops zoning out and looks at me.
"Of course, we made it when we were like 13, I think" he said smiling to the thought.
"Yeah, the three musketeers eh" I said wiggling my eyebrows.
"Yup" he said popping the p.
Hey! um I hope you enjoyed ehhh?? We'll um you guys will love the next chapter!! I'm so excited!! I'm going to work on it today and such, just wait and see..
I wonder what Tanner said to Amelia ???
I've noticed Amelia and Jai aren't close anymore...
Don't worry though.!❤️❤️

No other Love
Teen Fiction" please don't give up on me" I said holding her tiny hands in my large ones. " I'm trying okay?" She said, not looking at me. #unedited Amelia rose summers is a 17 year old dancer from California. She met Jai Sidney Bradford when she went to her fi...