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**tara's pov**

i drove for a few minutes before reaching where michael was.

he slurred his words when he described his surroundings, "kinda like a forest. there's a few fucking trees, you know? it's not even a forest, i'm just really drunk. it's some type of park. no playgrounds, though. a lot of pretty flowers... i think. they might be dead, actually. that's a good metaphor for life, right?" he rambled between grunts.

i knew where he was as soon as he said that it was a park without a playground.

there was a beautiful park in the center of town with fancy benches and neatly kept flowers and bushes.

it was the "ideal" date spot.

or at least that's what all guys thought.

i distinctly remembered a conversation that occured a few months before between luke and calum when he started dating ally.

"yo, luke, i don't know where to take ally tomorrow." calum said after taking a large swig of beer. i had no idea why he was asking him this, considering the only place luke ever took me was the bar when we all hung out together. but calum was never this far in a relationship with someone before, and he actually really cared about her. it was sweet.

"is that even a question? take her to your place like you always do." luke said, winking, causing calum to groan.

"she's on her period, so we have to hang out in public." he started, making luke tilt his head in question. "she's always super bitchy when she's on her period. like, sometimes i think she's gonna brutally murder me. at least if we're in public then there will be witnesses."

"just take her to that park with all the flowers." luke shrugged. "girls like flowers, right?" he turned to me and i scrunched my nose. before i could answer, he continued. "she'll like flowers, calum. if flowers don't make her not want to kill you, then at least you'll die looking at some roses or something."

i sighed, remembering the day well. it was in winter, so roses weren't even in bloom. i pulled into the small, empty parking lot in front of the beautiful park that I had only been to once before with kate

the streetlights and dim lights stuck into the ground in front of the bushes of flowers were the only sources of light besides the moon.

i was always freaked out about being alone this late at night, but for some reason it felt so nice to be walking by myself, observing the beautiful flowers in the not-too-cold night.

it kind of felt like a fairytale.

i walked down the paved path, trying to look for michael. the only sound was coming from my shoes as i took steps.

in the middle of the park, there were a few benches, and there was somebody sitting on one.

when i got closer and could see spikes of hair, i called out.


it felt like i was supposed to be whispering because of how silent it was.

he lifted his head, slightly perking up when he saw me.

"hey, michael." i let out a small chuckle when i was a few feet away from him.

"hi." his voice was groggy. i sat on the other side of the bench and straightened out my legs. "you look really nice." he commented, and i remembered that i didn't even look in the mirror before i left the house. i ran a washcloth over my face earlier, getting rid of most of my eyeliner and foundation, leaving only my pesky mascara and lipstick that wouldn't come off.

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