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"This isn't working out, I'm sorry."

When you heard what Joji had said to you, you immediately broke down in tears.

"We... We just need more time. Please.. George?"

He looked away and sighed.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I can waste anymore time on this. Work's been crazy busy and you know how you get when I'm busy. Let's end this right now. We are still labelmates and good friends."

Joji was your best friend before he became your boyfriend, and you have worked with him on multiple songs and projects. You clicked with him immediately and anything you produced with him was a hit. You guys eventually fell in love from all the time spent together in the studio and out of studio. At least you thought he fell in love too. Both your fans loved both of you together and even though you guys never made it official, the fans were already speculating and shipping you two.

You nodded slightly before he gave you a hug and thanked you.

"Thank you for understanding. I'll see you soon in the studio alright?"

You pretended to be strong and smiled for him before he took his leave so you could have some private space. Your heart was broken into pieces and you never loved anyone more than him. You knew you were often overbearing and that was exactly what he meant. You worry too much for him and always tried to do everything for him. He didn't like that. He wanted a girlfriend and not a mother. He always told you not to do all these and you never listened. You regretted it now. You should've listened to him, but who could blame you? All you did was try your best to take care of him and to love him for who he is.



You called the only person who would understand what you're going through.

"Yes? What's wrong?"

"Can you please pick me up?"

He knew something was wrong when he heard your voice and immediately rush down to where you were to pick you up.

Sean drove both of you back to his apartment and he knew to leave first before clarifying with Brian what had happened.

"So... What happened?"

You didn't believe that Brian knew nothing about this because he was Joji's best friend and they told each other everything. You only knew about Joji's crush on you through Brian back then.

"Don't you already know?"

Brian took a seat beside you and he looked at you straight in the eye before telling you the truth.

"I thought he said it out of spite or in the heat of the moment. I didn't know he actually meant it. He always did stupid things like this and I didn't pay attention to them. I am sorry."

You broke down even more and he took you into his arms.

"Hey.. You still have me, Sean and others in the company. You don't have to go through this alone."

His was your best friend too and you had no reason to doubt him just because of what Joji did. He ordered some pizza and you two watch some movies, had supper and you cried your eyes out before falling asleep on his couch.

You were only awaken by Sean's voice the next day when he was here to pick both of you up to go back to the studio to continue working on a collaborative project. You dreaded this because it was together with Joji.

"How is she doing? I heard everything from George."

"Man, I don't even know but she seemed better after our session together and I hope she really feels better."

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