Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

* Aneesha *

I had no clue what had got into me or where I had got the courage to flirt with my dear husband. Somewhere deep in my heart I had a secret. I always wanted to have someone with whom I could flirt carelessly without the doubt of being judged. Sid was that. 

I was teasing him and he was grinning with the lightest shade of pinkish hue under his eyes. I could say he was enjoying and so was I. The way he came closer to me made my heart jump with excitement. His lingering touch invoked the desire in me to be loved. I wanted him to pamper me. With soft kisses against my cheek, and the ones on my forehead, with adorable smiles and cute one liners. 

"Where was this side of yours until now?" He asked glancing my way.

"Locked away."I answered truthfully.

"Why?" He asked, curiosity evident on his face.

"For someone who seemed right." I replied looking deeply into his eyes. I was falling for him. Sooner than I had expected to. Harder than I had thought I would.

"I do?" He asked, his voice was soft.

"Maybe." I murmured still looking into his eyes. He shifted his face closer to mine. I knew where this was going. Or at least had an idea. I smiled turning away. 

I heard a sigh from him. I bit my lower lip containing the mirth within myself. I had began loving this art of teasing him. His arm was still snaked around my shoulder. I liked this 'Us'  we had come to being. It wasn't rushed. It was serenity. 

I leaned my head over his shoulder. I did not have to look to know he would be smiling. "Are we going to continue to sit here like this?" I asked him few minutes later.

"I think that's a great idea." 

I pouted pulling my head away from his shoulder. "That's a stupid idea. We can do this after our jawaani (youth) leaves us." 

He chuckled."What exactly do you want to do, buh?" That teasing tone was back in his voice.

"Anything, better really." I uttered thinking of an activity. 

"Anything?" He asked me playfully.

"Like, let's make sandcastle." I said excitedly. I had always seen sandcastles in movies, could those actually be made on sand? I didn't remember doing any of this when I was a kid. I had been to Goa, I vaguely remember but nothing beyond that.

"Remind me your age." Sid spoke flabbergasted at my suggestion.

"Er..never ask a woman her age." I replied with attitude.

"Even if she's your wife?" He asked. We shared an eye lock. That sounded do warm. Wife. Did everyone go through these weird feeling after few months of marriage?

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