Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

* Aneesha *

I woke up in his arms the next morning. I smiled looking at his peaceful face. I felt a few strings pull in my heart. I traced my fingers over his hair. Smiling, I pulled myself away from him. I couldn't believe we both had slept stark naked. Forget that, what had got into me last night? I had not a clue. It was like I met another version of myself last night. But then that was something I noticed happened every time I was with him. 

He brought out new colors of me. He brought out an Aneesha I had no clue existed within me. I wouldn't deny the fact that my husband was a terrific lover. I smiled proudly wearing my tshirt that was hanging at the side of the bed, not botheringto hunt for my bra. I moved my feet to get off and a terrible pain announced itself. Damn. No one ever said that your thighs and hips pained like crazy after first night. I lay back nudging my husband dear. "Wake up Sid. "

"Damn, the alarm." He cursed turning over and slipping his head beneath the pillow. I grinned. Stupid man. 

"Sid, its me Anni. Wake up. Its six."

There was silence for a few seconds and then he suddenly sat up looking at me dumbfounded. Damn, did he know how incredibly sexy he looked, right now? Thankfully the duvet covered our bare lower half.

"That wasn't a dream?"

"What?" I asked trying not to stare at his naked chest.

"Last night. We did, do it. It wasn't a dream?" He asked perplexed with happiness twinkling in his eyes.

"This is what you dream?" I grinned.

"Much more." He spoke leaning closer to me. I kissed his cheek snaking my arms around his neck. I loved doing this so much.

"I am going to be addicted to you if things always stay this way." He mumbled pressing a kiss against my neck.

"Maybe that is exactly what I want." I whispered over his ears and then pulled back not before leaving a kiss on his earlobe.

"You okay?" He asked cupping my face. 

"Yeah. Except that I have aching limbs." I made a face.

"Just limbs?" He teased kissing my jaw. "Want a massage?" He asked with naughtiness in his eyes, placing his hand over the duvet

"Very thoughtful of you." I said placing my hand on his chest.

Before he could say anything, the doorbell rang. He looked at me confused.

"New maid. That's why I was waking you up. Go and tell her to start with the kitchen. I will get to my clothes and go for a bath. Get up go."

"Hey, why me?"

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