Chapter Eleven

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The drive back to Seoul was awkward and silent. JungKook suddenly had a fever and a bad sore throat. His nose was really red, it was quite worrying.

JungKook drove to his house since he felt faint. He looked really sick. Was it because of my horrible cooking that he's sick? Oh my god!

He parked his car then suddenly fell to the ground. I ran to his side in a state of panic. Was my cooking that bad he actually fainted?

"JungKook! JungKook! Wake up!" I said shaking him. "Mrs Jeon! Mrs Jeon!" I screamed as I ran to the door and rang the doorbell.

The door opened and instead, a guy opened the door. He looked shocked but I'm pretty sure I'm much more taken a back by him. "Oh- aren't you-?"

"I'm Park Jin Hee, I'm JungKook's friend. He fainted so please help!" I said as fast as I could then quickly pulled the guy to where JungKook was.

JungKook was groaning in pain so the guy quickly carried him and literally ran to the room. "What happened to JungKook?"

"I don't know, I really don't know. He suddenly became sick since this morning when he woke up." I said feeling guilty.

I swear I have to learn how to cook soon. And ensure that my cooking skills are amazing!

The guy told me to let JungKook rest and wait outside while he grabbed me a cup of tea. The moment I opened the door, four other guys came rushing to me.

"Taehyung, where's JungKook?"

"Is he okay?"

"We shouldn't have let him go!"

Taehyung, the guy that brought JungKook to his bed cleared his throat and used his eyes as a signal of my presence. Suddenly, the four other guys cleared their throats too and regain their posture. They brought me to the living room and we sat down.

"This is JungKook's friend from his class, Park Jin Hee!" Taehyung said cheerfully. "Oh, I'm Kim Taehyung but I'm mostly known as V!"

"I'm Namjoon but I go by the name of Rap Monster for my awesome skill in rap. You can call me RapMon for short or Namjoon will be just fine!" He said smiling. His dimples appeared and it made my heart melt!

"Are you a noona? Oh you're not? I guess I'm your oppa then." Jimin said winking which made me cringe but blush deeply at the same time. "Kidding, I'm Jimin."

"Aye, she's JungKook's!" A guy said and smack Jimin on his head. "I'm Yonggi but people call me Suga because I'm sweet as sugar." He smirked and everyone laughed.

"And I'm Hoseok!" The last guy said beaming! "I can't believe JungKook finally found a friend in the same class as him!" Hoseok said as he touched his heart.

"We won't have to worry so much about him then!" Jimin said laughing. "You're Jin Hee right?"

"Yeah, I'm Park Jin Hee! It's nice to meet all of you! Are you guys JungKook's friends?" I asked.

"Yeah, we are! Are you JungKook's girlfriend?" RapMon smirked at me and the rest joined in.

I laughed then suddenly remembered JungKook's kiss last night. "I'm not actually! I'm Jin's girlfriend." I said.

"Jin as in Kim Seokjin?" Suga asked a little taken aback. I nodded and ask why. "Oh nothing, he's our buddy too! But 2 years ago, Jin and JungKook had a major fight. Jin moved out not long after the fight and JungKook was heart broken."

"Are they gay-" I asked but Jimin laughed.

"They aren't gay, Jin Hee! They're the pair that was the closest to each other among us. They fought over a girl and they still havent got over it." He explained further.

"That's sad.." I said thinking about the situation. How can best friends fight about a girl.

"They'll be fine soon though, just watch. Jin really cares for JungKook and vice versa." Hoseok said.

"I'm going to JungKook's room to check on him.." I said. Jimin stood up to follow along but Hoseok held him back. Why are they so weird? I let out a nervous chuckle.

I walked into JungKook's room and suddenly felt awkward. I cleared my throat, "Feeling better?" I asked.

"Aww Park Jin Hee cares for me.." He cooed then coughed. "I see you met my friends.."

"I'm surprise you have friends.." I said and he gave a low chuckle. "Your friends are nice though, unlike you, they're very welcoming."

"Wasn't I welcoming when you came?"

"Not one bit! You threaten me, how is that welcoming, JungKook." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah but my handsome face and hot body was already welcoming you right?" He winked.

I cringed and faked a gag. He laughed then smiled. "Jin Hee.." He said suddenly becoming soft then held on to my hand. My heart beat was increasing and I could feel blood rush to my cheeks. "You look really.." he said then pauses as he pushed my fringe to the side. "...really ugly today."

JungKook burst out laughing but still held onto my hand. "Ugh, you idiot. I hate you so much."

"If you hate me, why did you kiss me?" My heart was racing so fast I thought it would explode! Blood was rushing to my face like there's no tomorrow. I froze at his question.

Hello everyone! Merry x'mas! I hope you guys had a great holiday! Anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter. Is it a little dry? Tell me how to improve if you dislike the story. I hope you guys continue reading! Love you xx

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