Chapter 2 - The Work Begins

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Teddy and I finished most of my training for the day. I found out I am pretty much going to be maintaining ride mechanics. It's hard to believe some of these rides are still allowed to run, much less exist. Teddy suggested with my first paycheck, I start buying some tools that will be helpful, as he can only spare so much. He did however provide a set of mechanic coveralls in my size, so at least that will be one expense I won't have to worry about. He drove me to my apartment, which was just a couple blocks from where my parents live.

I was still settling into the place. My old apartment was just a studio when I lived near the college, but this one is a one bedroom. I like having more space, but I don't really have a lot of stuff. Outside the apartment waiting for me, I saw Louise waving under one of the street lights.

As I got out of the truck, I said good-bye to Teddy, and he drove on his way.

"Hey Louise, what's up?"

"I know this is your first night back, and it's nearly midnight, but I was wondering if you and I could talk a little bit. You know, sister-to-sister?"

Great. I thought. Usually our sister-to-sister talks ended in her asking for an outlandish favor.

"Let's go up to my apartment. I want to get out of these coveralls." So, she followed me up two flights of stairs to where my apartment is. She followed me into the space with a "Woah."


"This was not what I was expecting Tina. I figured you'd decorate more like.. well.. Tina." She stated, walking past my couch and TV. Peeking her head into my posh decorated bedroom, the kitchen well stocked. Still some unpacked boxes laying around. I think the "woah' came from the lack of horse stuff. I lost interest in horses as I started my journey through college.

"So, what's the favor, Louise?" I asked impatiently, walking into the bathroom. I started to get undressed and ran the water in the shower. "Woah, who said anything about a favor?" She asked defensively. I simply poked my head out of the bathroom, and gave her a look. "OK, ok.." she stammered realizing that I knew her better than that. "You remember "Berry Bush"?"

"You mean the boy who used to bully you insistently even after he graduated high school?" I inquired. "Didn't he move to Maryland or something for work, like, three years ago?" At this point I stepped into the shower, Louise had her back against the wall outside the bathroom as she spoke to me through the door.

"Yeah, he became business partners with Zeke. They run a construction company, but they are moving the business back here and are partnering with Mr. Fischoeder to do some work on the Wharf.." I turned the water off in the shower after I finished, wrapping my hair in a towel, drying myself sort of with another towel. Then wrapping that towel around me, I came out of the bathroom, to look down on the floor where Louise now was.

"Ok, what does this have to do with me then?"

"Berry Bush wants to meet up with me. I am not sure I can face him on my own without ripping his heart out of his throat and stuffing it up his ass.." She trailed off angrily. I could understand her anger, though. Logan Bush made her life a living hell for years, until he turned 20 and started working in the next town over. He was more than a bully, and poor Louise never had a chance. He was also the cause of death for her bunny ears. In his senior year when he was 19 (he was held back a year) they pranked the middle school kids, and threw many of them into the ocean off the pier. Logan personally threw Louise in. When she hit the water, a wave came on top of her, tearing bunny hat off. It was swept off into the sea, and we were never able to locate it. She also nearly drowned. My parents tried to find her another pair, but never could, as they were discontinued. She was devastated and completely traumatized. It took several years of therapy for her to get near the ocean again. Logan didn't think it was so serious.

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