Chapter 11: Figure It Out

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I walked into my apartment and texted Louise almost as soon as I got through my front door.

[Me] How long have you known about Zeke's feelings for me?

[Louise with a 10 minute delay] Since high school. Gene's known since middle school though. You starting to figure this out? Logan told me what happened.

Louise and Logan had started living together at the end of December, and they seemed to be inseparable. 

[Me] I should be happy, but I also want to pursue Teddy's offer and try to heal.

[Louise] At this point the ball is in your court. You need to make a decision. I have to go, I will TTYL.

I sat on my couch. I was expecting a few phone calls over the next few days from Teddy's friends out-of-state. Most of the calls would then be followed by interviews. Zeke never told me how he felt, but he had certainly showed me over the years. I wondered why he has said nothing sooner, maybe he wanted me to go, but that didn't explain his outburst. 

Over the next few days I had a series of job interviews over the phone. I was offered a couple of the positions, all of which paid more than I was making now. One or two of them had a deadline I had to meet, and another I couldn't take because it meant me being ready to go in a week. After interviews usually meant I needed to go to work. Since Zeke's mishap, I had only seen his truck once or twice at work. I finally confronted Logan when it had been a couple days without seeing Zeke's truck.

"Where has he been? He hasn't quit has he?" I had approached Logan in the office trailer after work one night. He had been pulling doubles since Zeke had been gone, I could see how tired he was.

"He took a leave of absence, He should be back Friday night." Logan leaned back into the chair and looked up at the ceiling. "I am not sure how everything is going to get done on time without him."

"Did he ever offer why he did what he did? He could have lost his job, couldn't he?" I pulled my ski cap off my head and sat on the couch.

"He said it was a lapse in judgement, and he had some personal things to sort out. I know he's been looking at a couple jobs in Arizona and Texas. I don't think they offered him enough money though." He said rubbing tired from his eyes. "He's trying to prepare for if you leave." Logan looked at me bluntly. "I don't think he'd be able to stay if you left again."

"He has a good job here, why should he leave because I have?" I looked at Logan, confused. "I know how he feels about me, but this is a little irrational."

"Love does funny things to people, Tina." He took a box out from under the desk, it was small and flat. "I got your sister something." He opened the box, inside were a pair of pink bunny ears and a small diamond ring.

"She'll say 'yes' Logan." I smiled at him.

"I know she will," Logan expressed confidently, "But what will you do?"

What will I do?

I spent the next few nights after work sitting on a bench that sat facing the end of the pier. I had a couple firm offers at this point, and I had to call them in the morning, which was Friday. I looked next to me, as someone sat beside me. It was Logan, I smiled at him as we sat on the bench.

"Have you asked Louise yet?"

"No, I am going to wait until Monday after work, I have something kind of special in mind to surprise her with."

"It's amazing how you two went from bitter enemies, to finding love in such a unique way. I know my dad has grown to like you, so has Gene."

"I have grown to like the Belcher family quite a bit." He leaned forward and kind of twidled his thumbs.

"You're not hear to talk about Louise are you?" I could see our breath as we spoke.

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