Chapter 3: Trust Me

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I finally made it home and changed into my coveralls, I then went outside to wait for Teddy. My mind was stuck on Louise worried she was still upset even though she had texted me half a dozen times that she was OK. I really could care less how Logan is affected, it's about time he learned what he did. About halfway through that thought, I saw Teddy's truck roll up. How in the world he kept that old thing running all these years is beyond me. I went to wave him down, when I realized it wasn't Teddy driving. I stepped back up on the curb, and under one of the street lamps. That's when I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey T-Bird, ready to go!?"

It was Zeke. Why in the hell was he driving Teddy's truck?

"Zeke.." I let my voice trail off. Much like I did in middle school.

"Teddy let me borrow his truck to come get you, he got stuck fixing one of tea cups with a new contractor we are trying to break in. Hop in, girl!"

I slid into the passenger seat of the truck. He was wearing a black shirt with the sleeves cut off, and coverall pants. I peeked down at his boots, and they were really muddy. I gave a him a perplexed look. This was a big change from this afternoon. Almost like he was reading my mind, he started talking.

"I know the suit probably threw you off, I don't like wearing em'. Logan has us wear em' to look more professional like." I kind of rolled my eyes with a grin. Thinking about how some things won't change. "Speaking of Logan.." I looked over, up to his face. His eyes on the road as we made our way to the job site. I never noticed his features before, he really has grown into a handsome guy. He looked pretty gruff and serious, it reminded me of how my dad tries to get serious. "He's not the person he used to be. I've worked with him a few years now, and he's good people. He's not the bully we used to know."

I got quiet, and looked away from him. 

"Listen, I am not trying to push anything, just ease up on him." He tried to explain to me. "We all have to work together now."

"Have you told him yet you were the one who had to give CPR to Louise until the paramedics arrived because Gene was panicking, and her heart stopped after she finally coughed up the water? Does he know you didn't know if she was alive or dead when she got on that ambulance?" I looked him straight in the face, glaring. I could see his expression change, to a grim one. "No, he doesn't know that." I said rather matter-of-fact.

We pulled up to the Wharf. He stopped the truck, taking the keys out of the engine. He looked a little defeated. I knew he was just trying to smooth things over and keep any sort of bad blood from boiling up. My comment wasn't really necessary, but it had been on my mind since we all met for the interview. 

"Listen, T.." He began in a low gentle tone. I cut him off.

"Like you said Zeke, we have to work together now." I put my hand on his forearm and squeezed it gently. I opened the truck door after I let go. He just starred at me, like a puppy dog who lost his way. I looked back at him before I got out, and saw the look in his eyes. I shut the door again. I am not cold hearted, I wouldn't leave him like that. I sighed.

"This guy almost took my sister away forever with a stupid "prank" and he has no idea. He hasn't had to live with it. He's had a wonderful life in fact. He owns a construction company at 29. And, you just want me to let it go?" I shook my head. "How are you OK with it?" I pushed my head back on the head rest, looking over at him. 

"You really think I'd be trying to vouch for him if I didn't have a reason too?" Zeke spoke in a low voice. "This is not just because he signs my paycheck. He's a good guy, T. You need to trust me." He looked into my eyes, searchingly. I had to concede.  When did Zeke ever have such warmth?

"Fine. I'll trust you." Raising my hands with a huff, I got out of the car. Walking over to Teddy who had a "what took you so long" look on his face. I waved my hand at him, and started in on work. I looked over to Zeke who had started on the job site as well. He mouthed, "thank you", and I lowered my head getting back to work.

It was 2 am, and it was finally time for me to get home. Teddy offered me a ride, but I waved him off. I was exhausted, but I needed a walk. I took my phone out of my pocket, and looked at the screen as I walked among the street lights. I think what struck me the most about the day was Zeke. He has changed so much, or maybe I never noticed him in the first place. I shrugged to myself, as I made it up the walk way to my apartment. 

Finally, my bed. I don't know if I will even make it into the shower. 

Of course I showered. As soon as my head hit the pillow on my bed I passed out.

I am not sure what woke me up first, the birds outside my window, or the yelling in my hallway. Either way, I was up, and grumpy. I went over to my kitchen, where I saw that the coffee pot hadn't started. I will be happy when this training is over tonight and I can work a regular day shift. I have to imagine Teddy will be happy about it as well.

I went to go plop down on my couch and saw that my phone had a few messages on it. It was Gene apologizing for not being home, letting me know he misses me. It would be nice to have all the Belcher kids together again. 

I threw on some yoga pants and a t-shirt, grabbed my keys, and headed for the best coffee in town. Bob's Burgers of course. As I made my way into the restaurant, I immediately saw Zeke and Logan sitting on the stools. Zeke was in the same clothes from last night, Logan was in long pants and t-shirt. Zeke and I locked eyes as I grit my teeth.

"Hey there Tina." Zeke raised his mug to me in a "hello" gesture.

"Good morning Zeke, where is Louise?" My eyes shifted to Logan, whose body language told me he didn't want to be seen. I started to wonder if maybe Zeke dragged him here.
"She's making our breakfast, come sit!" Zeke motioned to the stool right next to him. I slid on to the stool.

"I surprised you're not at James's place, Zeke." I said as Louise came out with the plates of food. She just nodded at me. When she set the food down I noticed she and Logan shared a long glance. She turned after a moment and put two teaspoons of sugar into a coffee mug, pouring the coffee in. She handed it to me. It was that moment, I realized Zeke hadn't said anything. I nudged him with my elbow.

"It's just weird calling him James. I called him Jay-Ju for so long.." He took another sip of his coffee. "Guess some things gotta' change." 

"I am having coffee with him tomorrow morning, maybe you should come. Have you seen him since you got into town?" 

Zeke looked at me a bit confused. "Does Tammy know you're going to be having coffee with him?"

"Why does she matter?" I chuckled.

"Their married, Tina." Louise chimed in from behind the counter.

Bobs Burgers: A Tina TaleWhere stories live. Discover now