Chapter 7: The Pier

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I got through work pretty rapidly, so I could get home and change. Not to mention mentally prepare for what I wanted to tell Zeke. I showered, and then looked in the mirror. I wondered who the blonde was speaking about. Could it be Tammy? I tried to push it to the back of my mind. I did a light bit of make up, I decided against lipstick in hope, just maybe, I would get to kiss him. I curled my hair, and fluffed my bangs. I wore a velvet green long sleeve  dress and stockings, with black pumps. I must have looked in the mirror ten times. I was ready, at least I felt it. I grabbed a jacket and my keys, and started on my way to the Wharf. 

The lighting of the Christmas tree was always a special event most of the town loved to attend together. Zeke had promised to meet me there, and we were going to watch it together. I thought about his warmth and just holding his hand again. It had been 4 months since the episode with Jimmy Jr, but I hand't felt his touch outside a hug, and it was on my mind. He definitely wasn't who I thought I would end up having feelings for, but they were there, in spades.

I had made it to the Wharf, and immediately, I saw Logan and Louise holding hands, and laughing. It had turned out Zeke had told Logan what happened all those years ago, and Logan started doing anything he could to make Louise happy. Little things, like opening the door for her, turned into late night rendezvous at the office. Eventually, it became pretty public, and they told Mom and Dad. Dad's not thrilled but mom likes the idea of grandchildren. They make a pretty wonderful couple, and watching Louise so happy, and taking jabs at him again, was refreshing. I decided not to catch up to them. I had finally told Louise the night before about Zeke, and she wasn't surprised.  She was more surprised I hadn't told him, tried to make a move or anything. My only defense was there was never the right moment. 

I walked up to the crowd that had begun to start making it's way around the Christmas Tree, I could see Zeke's ski-cap towards the front. I started to make my way through the crowd, occasionally bumping into someone. Many people already had their cellphones out ready to video the event. I was about two rows back from Zeke, I called his name, but it was loud from the music that was playing. I was nearly behind him, to tap on his shoulder when I saw the blonde next to him. He was talking to her, and they were laughing. She had her arm wrapped around his arm, she was holding him close. 

My heart sank, and I could feel myself tremble. I started backing out of the crowd, and made my way out of the sea of people, fumbling for my phone. I made it back to the entrance of the Wharf, ad texted Louise.

[Me] Not going to tell him, he's with another girl.

I waited a minute or two and she responded.

[Louise] I see him and her. It's Tammy.

[Me] Going to the end of the Pier to think.

[Louise] Sorry Tina.

I walked away from the festivities, as I trembled all of my anxieties really started to sink in. I  kept falling for men who didn't feel the same way, I wasted years of my life going to college that I couldn't keep up with, and I am stuck working a dead end job with a man who does not reciprocate my feelings for him. What was I doing with my life?

I walked to the end of the pier where there was "do not cross tape", I went under it. Mr. F had started redoing the end of the pier's railing and most of it was taken out. I saw off to the side a couple teenagers had the same "fuck it" thought I did. As I came to the end of the pier I could feel the brutal cold against my face and legs. It felt right for the moment. This time of year mot people avoided the end of the pier because of how cold it was. I could see small bits of ice on the water, again, not an unusual occurrence. I started wondering if it was worth staying in this town, not just over Zeke but feeling so unfulfilled in life. As I turned around, I saw a figure headed my way. the lights were still on at the end of the pier, but it was hard to see.

"Hey Tina." The voice said, as they came into the light, I saw it was Jimmy Jr.

"James." I stated.

"What are you doing over here alone? Or did Zeke stand you up?"

"I guess he and your-soon-to-be-ex have gotten close again."

"I'm not shocked." He said grimly. He approached me, and got really close. "But.maybe that just means you and I were meant to be." He was hovering over me. He placed both hands on my arms, squeezing me.

"Stop it, Jimmy, that hurts."

"Oh, does it? Or are you just toying with me?" He leaned in and forced another kiss on me. I pulled back the best I could.

"I'm sorry I don't feel that way about you anymore." I struggled to get out of his grasp. "Please let go of me."

"Oh, so I don't please you anymore? You pined after me for so long, and this is the thanks I get?" I looked into his eyes and they were eerily sinister. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked, feeling startled.

"I just don't think anyone should have you if I can't." He said pushing me towards the end of the pier. "Tell me Tina, why don't you want me anymore?"

"I love Zeke." I whispered in a soft tone. I could hear the sound of the water and ice crash against the pier.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you." 

"I love Zeke." I yelled at him. 

With that, he pushed me back off the pier. My foot slipped off the wood, and I could feel myself being drawn backwards. The last thing I saw was his face curled into a sinister grin. I tried to reach out as I fell, but the sky had no remorse. My body plunged into the water, nearly putting me into shock from the cold. My body felt like I had pins and needles jabbing into me over and over, but as soon as I came to the surface a wave crashed over me. I was pushed under the water, as it tossed and turned violently, treating me like clothes in a wash. I finally got a small reprieve when a wave forced me into one of the wood pilings that held the pier in place. I held on, but could feel the cold starting to take hold of my body. I coughed up water every time the ice and water were pushed into piling I held onto with dear life. A few times the water crashed so violently, my head would hit the side of wood. I screamed out for help.

"HELP!" I screamed with all my might, but I felt it was to no avail. I could hear the cheering as I saw the tree light up in the distance. I was shivering so badly I didn't know how much longer I could hold on.

"HELP!" I tried yelling again. As minutes passed, I struggled to stay awake in the brutally cold water. I had read that people can't survive more than 15 minutes in the water like this. My legs felt numb, and I knew I could not swim. 

"Please help." I whimpered as I felt my body start to go into shock. I was shivering so badly, and my hands were so cold, I knew I wasn't holding on much longer. 

"Hello!" I heard a booming voice, so I looked up. A light was being shined in my face. "Is that you Tina Belcher?" It was Captain Bosco. "Hold on, we are coming to get you."

Someone repelled down, but I was scared to let go. The person had to pry my fingers from the piling. As I lifted into the air, I coughed up water, and felt myself fall asleep. There was yelling. At one point I think I was on an ambulance. I found myself dreaming, I heard my moms voice, dad's, Genes, Louise's, even Logan's. Then I heard Zeke's, and I started to wake up surrounded by nurses. I was in the hospital, wires were going all over the place. I looked over to my wrist which was in a cast, my arm had a needle in it, and my finger had a clamp on it There was beeping, so much beeping, I groaned. The pain started to set in.

"Welcome back Tina." The nurse said to me. "Do you know where you are?"

"Hospital." I managed.

"Do you know what happened to you?" She further inquired.

I paused, trying to just regain some senses. I remembered being pushed into the water by Jimmy. I felt a flood of emotions take over me, like instinct I put my hands up to my face.

"Yes." My voice cracked as the tears filled up my eyes.

I remembered everything.

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