Chapter 6: It All Falls

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"Why in the world would I do that?"

"As a favor to me." He said, placing both his hands on my shoulders. He had a cheeky smile.

"Zeke. Reasons. Now. This is an extremely awkward request." I didn't feel awkward, however, feeling his hands on my shoulders. 

"You remember when I left for Arizona after high school? I learned Tammy had been cheating on me with Jimmy Jr., you and him had been split by then. But," He wagged his finger, "I found out through all of that he still loved you. He just didn't have the balls to drop Tammy and admit it to you. I figured this would be a little win." He rubbed my arms up and down.

"How can you love someone, but cheat on them over-and-over, or stay with someone you don't love?" I said, moving toward the door. I had to grab my phone from the coveralls. "Don't you need to shower?"

"Is that a yes?" I nodded, and groaned. "Then off to the shower with me. Today is gonna' be f-u-n."

I drove us in my car to Jimmy Jr, not very certain about Zeke's plan. It seems a little childish to be still playing games like this. However, I looked at him before I parallel parked.

I wouldn't mind an actual date with you.

I walked through Jimmy Pesto's & Sons, Zeke following behind me. I saw Jimmy Jr. standing behind the bar where Trev usually stands. He smiled when he saw me, but the smile faded when he saw Zeke.

"I didn't know you were in town." He said glaring at Zeke. "You should have come by sooner."

"Tina and I have been a little busy with work and things." Zeke smiled looking over to me. He reached over and held my hand, which made my heart pound a little faster.

"I didn't know you two had started dating. When did that happen?" Jimmy placed two coffees on the counter. I noticed he had a sun tan mark where his wedding band used to be.

"It's been a little while." I chimed in. I sat at the counter and Zeke joined me, sitting to my left. He put his hand on my thigh, which felt warm. "How are things with Tammy? I didn't know you two had married. Congrats."

Jimmy shrugged. "We've been separated about 6 months now."

"Oh, well, sorry." I stammered. It got quiet. The three of us drank some coffee. Zeke excused himself to go to the bathroom. Jimmy locked eyes with me.

"So, you and Zeke, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess, he's sweet, and funny. It's a shame I never noticed in high school." I wasn't lying, I actually wished I had noticed in high school. I couldn't look back at him. I really didn't like lying. Ever. I was really bad at it.

"You really look wonderful, are you two serious?" He had leaned closer over the counter, when I looked up, he was practically in my face. "You're not really together are you?"

"How could you tell?" I looked nervously back down at my coffee cup. This was all so awkward. Why did Zeke think this was a good idea?

"Zeke is trying to make me mad. He knows how I feel about you. I guess a little revenge never hurt anyone. I did take Tammy from him." I heard the bathroom door open. I went to go look, when Jimmy put his hand under my chin turning my face toward him. Before I knew what was happening, he kissed me. I was wide eyed, and pulled back after a moment. I could feel my face get hot.

"Why the hell did you do that?" I heard Zeke say.

"She obviously wanted me too. You couldn't get her for real." Jimmy said scathingly.

He kissed me. After 8 years, he thinks it's OK to just kiss a girl? 

I slipped out of my chair, grabbing my bag. My brain was running in circles, and I was panicking. "I should go. You two obviously have things to work out. I don't want to be in the middle of it."

"Wait, Tina.." Zeke got out before I rushed out the door. I realized I would basically be leaving Zeke there, but I took my car and just drove. I couldn't believe what just transpired. My heart was racing, but oddly, because I was angry. Does Jimmy just get to do whatever he wants?

I got to the front of my apartment, and texted Louise if she could cover my shift at the restaurant. I explained something happened with Zeke and Jimmy. She said fine, but I owe her. Typical.

I couldn't stay in my apartment, I needed to walk around and clear my head. I started walking toward the Wharf.  I got to the front entrance, bought some tickets for rides, and started walking within the Wonder Wharf park. I played a few games, went on a few rides, but I couldn't get my mind straight. I was angry, with both of them now. Jimmy took advantage of me all through high school, and then again to use me as his play thing to get at Zeke. And Zeke. Why did he put me up to this? It was stupid. Why not just tell Jimmy how he hurt him.

And what were these feelings I was starting to feel for Zeke? Maybe I was just spending a lot of time with him.

After about 45 minutes, I left Wonder Wharf, and walked down the pier. There were a good amount of fishermen, some were chatting, some just enjoying the early morning sun. I walked over to the end of the pier where I saw someone standing. It was Zeke. He was leaning with his arms crossed looking out to the water.

How is this guy always where I am?

I started to walk forward toward him, but stopped. What would I say to him? Do I tell him how I feel about him? Do I tell him I am angry at him? 

I made a choice. I walked away to get changed to work at my family's restaurant.

Several months since that incident, Louise, Logan, Zeke and I, had all been working together. It was fine, other than some pretty noticeable awkwardness between Zeke and I. I had developed deep feelings, over the last couple months for him, but I couldn't manage to tell him. I couldn't tell if he felt the same way. I was avoiding Jimmy Pestos, as well. I really didn't want to see Jimmy Jr. again. Louise and Logan seemed to have chemistry though. They were very flirtatious with each other, until I caught them making out in the kitchen of the restaurant.  They started actively dating after that, and they seemed pretty happy together. Christmas was coming up in a month, and I wanted badly to tell Zeke how I felt. I decided the best time would be the Christmas Tree lighting at Wharf in the beginning of December. Gene would also be home later in the month, so that was also something to look forward too.

I had to put on layers under my coveralls. It was getting unbelievably cold outside, and we were expecting snow today. I put on a ski-cap and left my apartment, making my way to work. As I pulled in, I saw Zeke's truck and parked next to it. It had kind of become our ritual, he always walked me to my car after work. We'd hug, the hugs have gotten longer lately, and I started looking forward to them. I saw Teddy at the front gate, waving to me. I could see his breath as snow flakes began to fall.

"Hey Tina, you finally going to tell Zeke how you feel?" This had become his "hello" lately. I had confided in him how I was feeling towards Zeke, because I couldn't tell my family. Anything they know, the world ends up knowing.

"Tomorrow, actually. That's the Christmas tree lighting, remember?" I must have told him the same thing for two weeks.

"Oh, I know, just making sure you're not getting cold feet. Eh.. by the way, whose the blonde he's been spending time with? She looks pregnant. Like, REALLY REALLY pregnant."

Blonde? Pregnant?

I tried to push it to the back of my mind until tomorrow. It could be nothing. Hopefully.

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