Ch. 3

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The day started with a gunshot.

Not quite near, but not very far either.

Then a far off scream.

Peter darted into action, gun by his side, and machete in hand.

As he made his way closer, he could hear sobbing, and choked words.

"Please please please-"

He skirted the rubble, eyes going directly to the woman trapped by a giant slab of rock, facing two 'zombies'.

She tried to jerk away, but gasped in pain again. "Ah- please- please someone!"

The infected- Biters, he decided, or maybe Lurkers- snarled, lumbering closer.

Peter has the gun up and shooting before they can make it two steps.

The woman jerked back in surprise before spinning to face him. "Thank you- thank you so much."

He eyed the corpses warily before stepping over them to reach the protruding rock trapping her. "Yeah. Listen, I need you to help lift on the count of three, okay? One, two, three-"

With the last word, he threw the last of his energy into lifting the concrete.

She scrambled out, favoring her ankle, and he let it drop with a thud.

"You really shouldnt be traveling alone," he said quietly. "It's dangerous."

She smiled briefly. "Yeah. I'm not alone, I'm traveling-"

"With a group," he completed, nodding his head. "With Natasha, right?"

Tilting her head quizzically, the blonde stepped closer. "Yes. She mentioned you. The boy from the store?"

"That memorable, huh?" He breathed out a quick laugh. "Listen, uh-"

"Pepper," she said softly. "Call me Pepper."

"Pepper. I have to get back. Good luck, stay safe, don't let the bedbugs bite."

He backed away awkwardly, waving a hand behind him.

Seconds after he'd disappeared, she heard his voice again.

"Forget that last part! It was kinda bad timing!"

Who am I gonna meet next?

Tony Stark?


Wishful thinking.

Short chapter, I know.

Quick question.

Which name sounds cooler for the living dead?




Just comment on the one you find coolest.

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