Ch. 9

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"We have to get going."

Everyone looked up at the voice. Natasha kept her gaze on the door as she spoke. "

"Tony-" Steve was cut off by Tony.

"No, Steve. I'm not going to be a deadbeat weight holding you guys down."

"You're not ready," Peter chimed in softly. "If you use your leg before it's healed it'll get worse."

"The food's running out, Pete." Tony squeezed his shoulder. "We need to go."

Clint smiled wryly. "There's not really any way, Tony. None of us can carry you, you know that. We can wait a couple more days."

Tony set his jaw. "No. Leave me if you have to, but this isn't safe for us to stay anymore."

There was a beat of dead silence.


A burst of voices.

"What the-"

"You think we would-?"

"No way-"

"I won't lose you too!"

The clamor died down at the last voice, and all eyes turned to where Peter was hugging himself, standing against the wall.

"I won't," he repeated softly, lower lip trembling. "I- I can't."

He turned and bounded down the steps.

Clint waved the rest of them back as they started after him. "I'll go. I have- I had kids."

They ignored the slip up.

"I'll go after him," he continued.

He gestured at Tony. "Talk some sense into him before we come back?"

The second Clint was out of earshot, Natasha rounded on Tony angrily. "You blasted blithering idiot!"

He lifted his eyes slowly, too tired to argue. "Nat," he began wearily. "You know I didn't mean it the way it sounded."

Surprised, they noticed that Natasha had tears in her eyes.

"You know I didn't mean it that way," he said cautiously. "You guys can go, and I'll stay and wait to heal. I can protect myself, and the building is well fortified against them. I'll be fine."

Natasha dashed her hand over her eyes, and straightened her shoulders. "I've already lost Yelena. And Nick, and Maria, and Phil. You're the last family I have left, Tony. Don't make me lose you too."

A look of regret crossed Tony's face, and he swallowed quickly. "Yeah, okay. I'll- I'll forget it."

She nodded brusquely. "Good."

Stooping briefly to kiss his cheek, Natasha left in the same direction as Clint and Peter.

Pepper crouched beside Tony, golden-red hair tied back in a messy bun. "Tony, please never say that again."

He smiled briefly, a small tilt of the corner of his mouth. "No promises."

Her eyes narrowed, and he held his hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay. Sorry."

Clint and Natasha came back in at dark, without the teenager, putting his fears to rest by assuring him that Peter was just on lookout, and not alone out in the city.

Guilt still tugged at his heartstrings at the thought of Peter's white face as he had run out.

Sleep wouldn't come.

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