Ch. 4

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Quick note, Peter already knows Tony. They're not SUPER close, but I guess Peter was his intern?

And he actually DID apply for a grant?

So he cares about our bby, but isn't full on dad.

I'm sorry, this is getting all mixed up in my mind, and I'm not entirely sure where it's going.

Hopefully it isn't too confusing.

The next encounter went a little differently...

He stood at the edge of the building, staring intently at the water below.

It wouldn't hurt.

The thought was comforting.

Would it really be that bad?

Nothing is worse than what's already happening.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

The voice didn't startle him as much as it should.

"Are you Peter? The kid Nat and Pepper talked about?"

Peter turned around slowly, eyes meeting those of someone vaguely familiar.

"You're Steve Rogers," he said quietly. "I read documents about you before-" he paused. "Well. Before."

The blonde nodded softly. "Yeah. You're Peter?"

Peter glanced back at the edge, then sighed, and sat on the ledge. "Yeah. Why do you guys keep finding me?"

"Tony asked me to," Steve said quietly.

Peter lifted his head. "Tony?"

Stebe noticed the small flare of hope in his eyes and smiled. "Yeah. Tony Stark. When Natasha and Pepper both talked about a teenager with big brown eyes named Peter, he got really quiet, then asked them if you were okay. And he asked me to find you, and bring you to our hideout. He would've come except he hurt his leg three days ago. Can't walk easily."

Moaning was heard, and Peter's head shot up. "Great. These lurkers aren't stopping. Sure, yeah I'll go with you. I just have to get my stuff first."

They reached the hideout without much difficulty, and were met by a friendly dark haired man with assessing eyes. "Hi Steve. Hello to you too, kid. I'm Clint."

Peter nodded stiffly, glancing at their surroundings.

He spotted a flash of red at the entrance, and smiled. "Is that Natasha?"

Clint smirked. "Observant, aren't you? But yes," he added before Peter could speak. "That's Natasha. Probably going to tell everyone you're here."

The teen cringed. "Yikes. I'm a mess. Does everyone look this bad?" He gestured to his clothes. "Or is it just me?"

"Pretty sure it's all of us, kid. Go on up. They're probably waiting."

With a quick nod, Steve guided Peter up the rubble strewn staircase.

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