Ch. 11

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I finally got an update out!

It only took me... half a year...


And for that you have my apologies. But I've kind of discovered where I want this to go, and so hopefully, hopefully, I can start writing more here.

Anyways, enjoy.

The camp was a bustle of activity when they arrived.

Rhodey was the morning watch, and he gave a warm smile as they passed.

There was very little fuss when they came back into the main area.

Clint didn't even look up, Steve gave him a quick nod, and so on.

Tony was the only one who actually acknowledged the fact that he had been gone, but just gave him a quick hug, and a whispered "you good?"

Peter nodded, and the subject was dropped.

He knelt by his small bag of belongings, folding his jacket into a tight ball.

The day was warm, and he most likely wouldn't need it.

"Ten minutes, then we're moving out," Steve said loudly. "We'll take turns walking with Tony, and carrying his bag, alright?"

Peter caught Tony's eyeroll out of the corner of his vision, but the older man stayed silent.

"Rhodey, you're up first."

"Aw, my honey bear." Tony wrapped his arm around his friend's shoulders as Rhodey came nearer, grinning impishly.

"Careful Tony," Pepper teased, her voice light. "Or I'll get jealous."

"They're planning to elope," Natasha said jokingly. "I heard all their plans last night."

"Yup. We're gonna find a zombie priest and do the deed." Tony threw a smile over his shoulder. "Sorry Pep."

"Eh," she waved a hand casually. "Dibs on Steve then."

Steve stayed looking straight ahead, the back of his neck turning a faint pink.

Peter dropped down level with the group, adjusting his backpack to sit comfortably on his shoulders, and then taking the straps of Tony's bag. "Here."

Tony looked up, a faintly suspicious smile curling at the corners of his mouth. "You're not gonna abscond with my stuff, are you?"

"Yes, this whole thing was an elaborate ruse to gain your trust before stealing..." Peter brought the bag up to eye level, pretending to study it before dropping it back down to his side. "A whole pair of smelly socks. Absolutely."

Pepper swept in to kiss Tony's cheek. "He's right y'know."

"You're supposed to be on my side!"

The redhead grinned cheekily. "I was, until you decided to elope with Rhodey."

Tony pouted, turning wide eyes on Clint, as of yet the only one who hadn't participated in the discussion. "Not gonna help?"

"I distinctly remember you told me 'no comments from the peanut gallery'." Clint smiled innocently, pulling his bag over his shoulders. "So no."

Tony shot a last glance at Peter, who was watching with undisguised glee.

"Don't look at me with that tone of voice," he said huffily.

"We're almost out of the city limits, so everyone be on the watch." Steve scanned the horizon carefully. "There should be a river up ahead, about a mile or two away."

Peter glanced behind them, at the quiet city. "Y'know, no matter how many times I've walked away from a city like this, it never stops being weird."

"What do you mean?" Tony squinted into the sunlight, face set in a grimace.

He'd refused to take a break, not letting anyone talk him into resting, and it was showing.

"I mean, it's so quiet. Too quiet, really." Peter stepped closer under the guise of hearing better, taking the bag again, and ignoring the put-out look on Tony's face. "I've always lived in the city, and it's a huge place, full of life. Used to be anyway. People, animals, cars, plants, just life, everywhere. Sounds of living. But now, every time I walk away from a city, it's like the world is holding its breath, and I don't know what's gonna happen when it lets go."

"Well aren't you a poet."

"Kid's right." Natasha held a hand up, brow furrowed. "It's too quiet."

"Well yeah, we're the only living things for miles around."

"No, I mean..." She shook her head, eyes focused intently on the horizon. "Everyone hush."

The small group quieted immediately, and Peter adjusted the two bags over his shoulders, preparing for if they needed to run.

Tony caught his eyes, brow quirked in curiosity. 'You good?' He mouthed.

Peter smiled tightly, giving a sharp nod, and looking back to Natasha.

He could feel Tony's eyes still on him, but refused to look back.

Natasha stiffened slightly, but kept her voice calm. "Steve, look to your left, about a mile down from us. They're spreading out."

"Animals or infected?"

"I can't tell. Everyone get your weapons out, be ready to fight or run. Who's with Tony?"

"Me," Peter spoke up in unison with Clint, and the two shared a grim look.

For once Tony didn't argue the protection detail, simply setting his shoulders, and getting ready to run.

"On my signal," Steve said lowly. "No one run til I give it, or it's gonna tell them we know they're there. We're gonna head for the bulwark over at the peak of that hill. Peter and Clint, keep Tony near the middle of the group. Natasha and myself will be rearguard, everyone else around the sides."

Slowly the noises started getting clearer, bushes rustling, and heavy breathing.

No one else seemed to have noticed it yet.

"We need to go," Peter said urgently. "I can hear them behind us."

"Go!" Steve kept his voice low but commanding, and the group snapped into action.


First chapter in months and it ends on a cliffhanger.

I am not remotely sorry.

Hope you guys enjoyed, and as ever, leave a vote/comment if you enjoyed!

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