Chapter 1

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It was only a few drops of blood, Barely visible on the surface of the table. But HPD CSU found it in their sweep for clues and took it to their labs for analysis. Anything that would assist HPD and Five-O in breaking the human trafficking case they were currently working on.

The house had been abandoned recently and Five-O needed to find them and stop the traffickers before their victims ended up in other countries - outside of the authorities' power to help them. This house was identified as a potential hideout through an un-named informant of the HPD. The information was correct, but they were too late. Now everybody was waiting and hoping to hear from the informant again.

Steve McGarrett was in his office at Five-O headquarters when Dr. Max Bergman knocked on his door. Max looked confused and a bit concerned. Steve motioned him to come in. "Can I help you, Doc?" he asked. "I think perhaps, yes." The doctor mumbled. He looked quite troubled. "CSU ran the blood that was found and the house," Steve just nodded. "You see, we know to whom the blood belongs, but..."

"Spit it out, Doc," Steve was getting frustrated.

"The DNA profile matched more than one person in the system," the doctor continued. "Given who the match was, CSU thought that there was an error. To be safe, the techs contacted me. Based on the information here," Dr. Bergman waved the manila folder in front of Steve, "I thought it best to tell them that it was, in fact, an error." Steve was now well and truly confused. Blood usually matched only one person. Was the doctor referring to identical twins?

"You see, the DNA profile came back as belonging to Honolulu PD Officer Alyssa Grant. That is fine. The problem is that the DNA is also a partial match to another person in our system."

Steve's patience was now at an end. "Whose DNA is it a match to?" he asked in exasperation.

"Yours, Commander McGarrett. The DNA is a familial match to you. It appears you have a sister."

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