Chapter 10

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"Aly? Aly!" Steve called into the phone, his voice getting more insistent. "Dammit." The phone had not disconnected, so Steve could hear the rustling (of the sheets?) on the other line along with something that sounded like chocking? A cold chill ran through Steve's body. He could hear rattling on the line and voices.

"Quickly," a heavily accented man's voice barked.

"I did what you asked," a woman's voice. I don't want to....," she was cut off by another male voice speaking a language that sounded like Spanish, but was not. Portuguese, Steve guessed. Steve did not understand all of it but got the gist. The man was telling the woman to do as she was being told.

Steve picked up his desk phone and called Sergeant Kama. "Sergeant. It's McGarrett. The officer on duty outside of Officer Grant's room..." but Kama interrupted.

"I know. He already radioed in. She went into convulsions. The doctor is in with her now."

"It's a diversion. He needs to be in there," Steve insisted.

Kama was silent, listening to reports coming in. "They are taking her to the ER."

"No," Steve barked into the phone, "he needs to stop this."

"Okay," Kama did not sound sure.

Steve hung up and called hospital security.

"This is Steve McGarrett, Five-O. Put the hospital on lockdown immediately. Nobody in. Nobody out."

The security guard mumbled something that sounded like an affirmative and Steve hung up the phone. He listened to his cell. He heard more rustling, more rattling and then a low moan that he assumed was Aly and which chilled his blood as he wondered what they were doing to her.

Steve was running for the door. He needed to get to the hospital. Danny looked up with a question on his face. Steve just said one word, "Aly," and Danny was racing for the car right along with Steve.

Even with lights and sirens, the trip to the hospital took fifteen minutes. Steve said nothing during the whole trip. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were on the road.

The left the car by the front entrance along with several other cruisers that had assembled and all of which still had the lights going.

Steve ran into the room, to find it empty. The bed had been tossed. He found Aly's phone buried among the covers. Sergeant Kama came in. "Commander. Will you come with me, please. There is somebody that needs to talk to you."

Steve followed Kama. His heart skipped a beat when he was escorted into a trauma room and he saw several doctors and nurses clustered around the bed. At the command from Kama, the medical personnel moved out of the way, although they did not stop their work. On the bed, was a young police officer– the same one Steve saw this morning. The shoulder of his uniform was soaked with blood. The young man, took off the oxygen mask and tried to sit up, but Steve put a firm, but gentle hand on the uninjured shoulder. He checked the man's name tag.

"Officer Nakamura, please tell me what happened." Steve hoped that his voice did not betray his raging emotions. It looked like the kid did all that he could.

"I am sorry, Commander," the young man said. "As soon as I got Sarge's call, I went after them. They were not going to the ER, they were taking Officer Grant to the exit. I chased them and tried to stop them, but they started firing. They also put a gun to Grant's head so I needed to stop. I did not want to risk her life. I pursued as best as I could, but when I got outside, one of the people from the car shot me. I am sorry Commander," Nakamura repeated. Steve saw that the kid was upset.

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