Chapter 5

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Alyssa took the keys from her purse. She reached to put them into the lock but realized that the door was open already.

"Aw, damn," she swore quietly. Steve had insisted on seeing her to the door and now she was actually grateful for having his solid presence at her back as they both drew their guns. The sweep went quickly as she had a very small apartment.

"What in the hell is happening? This can't be the trafficking case, can it?" Alyssa was now truly shaken up. They knew where she lived.

"Pack your bag," Steve ordered. "You are not staying here."

"And where do you suggest I go?" Her words were terse. She did not like being in this position and being dependent on others

"Hold on," Steve said as he pulled out his phone.

"Kono? Sorry about this but we have a problem. Alyssa's apartment had been broken into. She needs a place to stay. Ok. Thank you. " Steve looked up. "Let's go. Kono has a spare room."

It was a testament to just how upset Alyssa was that she did not even argue.

Kono was waiting for Alyssa. "Come on in. I've got us a couple of beers... It will help you relax."

"Hey I am not sure about any of this," Alyssa was feeling defensive again. "I don't need a baby sitter."

"No, you don't, but I am guessing you do need a friend," Kono would not be dissuaded. "Think of it as a girls' night. And tomorrow," she looked over at Steve, who nodded, "Alyssa - do you surf."

"Are you kidding me?" Alyssa practically bounced up and down. "Surfing with Kono Kalakaua? The National Champion? Yes, of course."

"Great," Kono said. I have a spare board so we can head right from here."

Steve left the two young women at Kono's house. Alyssa and Kono were sitting on the couch with beers in hand and chatting.

"Why?", asked Alyssa.

"Why, what?" Kono countered.

"Why do you want to be my friend? I am a job. An assignment." Kono cringed at the bitterness that Alyssa could not quite contain.

"Because you look like you need a friend. Because that's how I roll. Because I believe in Ohana."

Alyssa snorted but immediately looked guilty.

"You don't believe in Ohana?" Kono was actually shocked.

"It never worked for me," Alyssa said. "Thirteen foster homes and 5 group homes in 18 years will really sour you on any concept of family."

Kono considered this. Alyssa looked so strong and so together, but she must really be hurt. She must be so alone and so lonely. Kono took a deep breath. "OK. Tell you what," she said brightly. "You can try me. I'll be your Ohana and you can see how you like it." When she saw Alyssa's dubious look, she said, "What have you got to lose?"

Alyssa considered. "OK. You're on. So if you are my Ohana, can I ask you a question."

"Sure," Kono said.

"Do you think Steve really wants me on the Five-O team?"

Kono thought for a minute. "I hope so. It will be nice to not be the most junior member. That way I will have somebody to whom I can give orders."

She looked at the look of shock on Alyssa's face and started to smile and, suddenly, both young women dissolved into laughter

It was still dark when Kono and Alyssa left the house. They had grabbed a cup of coffee and headed off because they wanted to be on the water by sunrise. Makapu'u Beach was a favorite with locals and had large, challenging waves. It was also on the way to work. They were surfing their first wave while the sun was coming up. While Kono was clearly the superior surfer, Alyssa managed to hold her own as the two young women enjoyed a companionship based on a mutual love of the sport.

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