Chapter 11

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The C-130 transport banked over the Pacific Ocean as the Five-O team settled in for a roughly seventeen-hour flight to Brazil. While they talked, cleaned and prepped their weapons and tried to sleep, Steve walked over to the cockpit to radio the commanding officer of the Rio de Janeiro Naval Air Station.

Captain Warner, came on the radio.

"Captain. This is Commander Steve McGarrett," Steve introduced himself. "I am currently with the Five-O, a law enforcement unit out of Hawaii. I thought it best to give you a heads up, that my team and I are on the way. We will be landing at the base in about," Steve checked his watch, "sixteen and a half hours."

"What is this regarding, Commander?"

"Sir," Steve braced himself, "We are going in an unofficial capacity."

"Meaning that you are sneaking in. Why?"

Steve took a deep breath. "My little sister, Sir. The Encinas Cartel has kidnapped her. I believe she is in imminent danger." Steve did not notice the two marine pilots exchange quick looks. Steve continued, "Unfortunately, there is no time to go through official channels. My team and I need to handle it quickly"

"And what do you need from me, Commander?" Captain Warned asked.

"Permission to land, any information on the cartel would be greatly appreciated, Captain. The team and I can take care of everything else."

Steve heard the captain take a deep breath, "All right. We will talk more when you land. Now, I am going to go back to bed. Good night, Commander"


When the C-130 landed seventeen hours later, the Captain was on hand to meet the team. Steve saluted the captain who returned it snappily.

"Commander, welcome to NAS Rio de Janeiro."

"Thank you, Sir," Steve said. "My team. Detectives, Danny Williams, Chin Ho Kelly, and Kono Kalakaua."

The Captain nodded. "Shall we continue in my office? I think you all could use some coffee."

"The Encinas compound is about ninety minutes from here. Luckily we have Blackhawks helicopter that flies interdiction flights 24/7 and one can drop you about one Click from their front door."

"Sir," Steve said. "We believe that Encinas may be in need of some type of organ transplants. Where would he be most likely to have that done?"

The Captain nodded. "Right inside the compound. There are full medical facilities, in the North West corner. Full operating room and everything else that money could buy."

"Thank you, Sir. How soon can we be on our way?" Steve asked.

"Have the coffee and the sandwich while the Blackhawk is being fueled, and you can be on your way."


Alyssa slowly came to and looked around. She was in a hospital room, but not her hospital room. She felt hot and tried to reach for the covers, but found that she could not move her arms. She tried to lift her head and saw that her arms were restrained. She felt alternately hot and cold and her stitches hurt like crazy. She felt something wet and sticky in the vicinity of her wound, but could not see what it was.

"Don't bother. The restraints are stronger than you," a heavily accented voice.

"What is going on," Alyssa was actually proud that her voice sounded angry and not scared. "Where am I?"

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