Chapter 3

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Steve stared at the large computer screen in Five-O headquarters early the next morning. He was hoping that he would figure out something new about Alyssa, but he just kept going over the same information over and over with no additional insights. He wanted to know about this woman who shared his genes, but the HPD site just had the basics. Birthdate, performance to date, etc.

Steve tried Googling her, but the results were only slightly better. He learned that she had been in the Navy, an interesting coincidence and that she had a Facebook page that she had not accessed in months.

He was so focused on what he was doing, he did not hear Kono approach. "That's the undercover officer from the other night," she said. "What's so interesting about her."

"I liked how she handled herself, " Steve replied. "Kama thinks that she may be a candidate for Five-O eventually and I'd like to know some of her backgrounds."

"Well, just say so then," Kono quipped. I'll do some poking 'round. It will be nice to not be the rookie anymore," Kono said happily.

Steve did not feel that good about using Kono, but soothed his conscience with the face that perhaps Alyssa Grant would, in fact, be a viable candidate for Five-O. He knew he could trust Kono to be thorough now that her interest had been piqued, so he left her to it and turned his attention to reviewing the reports and information from the raid the night before. Overall, it appeared to be a fairly standard bust. The big unknown was who was funding the trafficking and who was making money from it. Steve was certain this would be resolved when the suspects were questioned.

Steve was busy going through the files when Kono entered. "Wow," she started. "Alyssa Grant could almost be a younger clone of you." The comment brought Steve up short and his head shot up from his work.

"What do you mean?" he asked, more sharply then he meant to.

"She had a pretty rough start in life. Her mother abandoned her at the hospital," Steve cringed at this. That was his mother Kono was talking about. "She bounced around foster homes until she aged out at 18," Kono continued. "She joined the Navy right after graduation and became a corpsman. She served one tour and did most of it in Afghanistan at the Bagram Airfield. She was responsible for wounded soldiers. She has several Citations for Meritorious Service. She flew into and out of the fighting to provide support and care for the injured soldiers."

"When her tour ended, she used the GI Bill and is attending the University of Hawaii, Honolulu specializing in Criminal Science and Psychology. She's been with the HPD for the last three years and had had good to outstanding evaluations every year." Kono finished her recitation and looked up at Steve.

"Pretty impressive," commented Danny who had come in at the beginning of the recitation. "Why are we interested in this?"

Steve was about to answer when his phone rang.

"McGarrett," Steve said. "When? Where? Is she OK? Do we know who did it?" He waiting a few minutes while the person on the other side spoke. "OK. Understood. We'll be right there."

By this time, the rest of the team was looking at Steve curiously. "There has been a shooting downtown," Steve said in a clipped tone."Officer Grant is involved and they want Five-O assistance.


By the time the team arrived at the location through the usual Honolulu rush hour traffic, the scene was under control. HPD had re-directed traffic and cordoned off the area. Grant's blue striped white cruiser was in the middle of the street, its windshield completely shattered. Steve looked in and let out a breath he did not know he was holding when he did not see blood on the seat. What he did find embedded in the passenger side was the bullet. His practiced eye identified it as a .50 caliber armor piercing round. Talk about over-kill. Why was a sniper targetting this particular cop at this particular time? It made no sense.

He looked around for Alyssa and saw her inside an ambulance and felt an unexpected level of relief. Whether or not Alyssa knew of the relationship and regardless of how he felt about it, these unknown people were messing with his family and he did not like it one bit.

"Are you alright?" Steve asked as he approached. He noticed that her face, neck, and arms were covered with scratches from the blown-out glass. She was lucky, it could have been so much worse.

"You seem to ask that a lot," came the flippant response. Then she became serious. "I'm fine, but what in the hell is going on?" Steve was impressed to note how much self-control Alyssa had. Outwardly, she appeared calm; only her hands which were in constant motion on her lap indicated that she was very shaken up.

"I don't know," said Steve. "But I intend to find out. This was not a random act. This was a professional operation. The bullet came from over there," Steve said, pointing to the tall building opposite from where the ambulance was parked.

"Walk me through it," Steve said.

"I was on patrol. Next thing I know something comes through and shatters my windshield - the supposed bulletproof windshield. I got out of the car and used it as cover while calling for help. I am not sure why they stopped, but as far as I know, there were no other shots."

"You are lucky," Steve thought. One of those bullets would have gone through the car body and could have killed Alyssa as she was sheltering behind it. He shook his head to clear it of the unwanted images.

"Sergeant," Steve interjected. "Maybe this has something to do with the traffickers? Could they have figured out you're a cop, Alyssa? Could this be some sort of pay-back? I am thinking you need to come back with us to Five-O so we can dig into this more."

Alyssa looked at her CO, who nodded. "Lead the way, Commander," she said.


Alyssa repeated the story again when she arrived at Five-O headquarters.

"I am not sure how or why they would have been able to identify me...," she started, "unless...".

"Unless what." Chin was looking at her intently.

"They took blood samples from all the girls. I did not know if this was normal or not, so I let them do it. They said it was to make sure we did not have any communicable diseases that would upset their clients. Would they be able to identify me that way?" Alyssa looked concerned, but not scared.

Steve, on the other hand, felt ice running up his spine. He had a very bad feeling about this.

"We are going to put a protective detail on you," Steve said.

"No way," said Alyssa. "How would that look at headquarters? Not going to happen. I am a perfectly competent cop, I can protect myself. Now, if we are finished here, I would like to go home and wash up.

Steve handed her his business card. "I don't like this. I think you do need protection until we figure out what is going on. At least take my card. Call me or this office if anything out of the ordinary happens."

Alyssa nodded and said, "Thank you, Commander."

"Steve," McGarrett corrected her.

"Thank you, Steve," she said smiling as she walked out of the office.

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