Chapter 12

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The C-130 landed back in Hawaii and Alyssa was immediately transported to the hospital.

The infection was fairly severe and additional surgery was required to repair the stitches. Her fever raged for several days. Steve rarely left her side during this time. She spoke and cried out during her delirium and Steve learned more about her time growing up than he wanted to. He fervently hoped to meet up with some of the people Alyssa mentioned so that he could administer some long-delayed payback for what she had to endure.

Ultimately, however, Alyssa was young and strong and in a few days, she had turned the corner and her real recovery began.

The entire team had gathered in Alyssa's room to celebrate her recovery and also to brief her on all that had happened.

"It appears that there is now a full out gang war between the Encinas cartel and the "Blood Brothers," Kono was saying. "Since there is no leadership currently for the "Priests of Saint Death, there is a battle for control. It turns out that while the "Priests of Saint Death" were trying to kidnap Aly, the "Blood Brothers" were trying to prevent that in any way possible to ensure that Encinas would not survive his illness." She avoided saying that Encinas was dead and Alyssa avoided asking although she knew that he, her biological father, had died in an explosion when some bullets set off the oxygen in his room. She was still processing through the fact that it was her father who had wanted her killed - even though he did not know about the relationship. She was doing her best not to go down that rabbit hole, however as it served no good purpose.

She looked around her room. Gathered here were the people that were important to her. Kono, a sister she never had and one that was willing to prove how important family was to her. Chin, quiet and thoughtful, but just as passionately committed to this team and this family. Danny, he was not shy with his opinions, but neither did he skimp on humor or loyalty. Alyssa knew that he was instrumental in her rescue and that he would back up Steve no matter what. And then there was Steve, her brother. Alyssa smiled a little to herself as she looked at him standing behind the others. He was a constant, reassuring presence in her life now; keeping all the bad things at bay. All of them risked their careers and their very lives to bring her back from Brazil. Nobody did that sort of thing. Nobody, but family. She smiled. It still hurt her to think about her mother and her father, but, at the end of the day, they were not her family. Her family was in the room with her now. Her Ohana may be small, she thought, but it certainly was not broken.


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